Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)

nh Poughkcepste Daily Eayle, Thursday, July 2, fc 9037. Real Estate, ron aAUt H. Market fit. ine nc wra "Turku H. conior of TO LKT.

All IMIIimr (Wlf iwflt farnislw.1. MM.r1.ct (tlJl If SatHliwH jroB MLB. i th, lit JAMim II. iii.n.r. Hi Market t.

urn ta ut i ntt.K OR TO LBT. A central Ci.t Mir: fists i3.ir.nt mini. Kin. views. Kr.T I w.

Wanted. WANTf.n, rU Am "1 Bl.lt. i.rtl.l I VMn ru. cinLr i.rt for imii 4m1iii'm IMIIUK.NK tijfl i'j AT ONI'E. i.i..MUH.ii IJirlil work fii.1 iwim n.f..ri.i...i "Hi itilulM'K.

si mitl WW MOTS. AII 01 BUI WAKTED. to yesrs of to icra ei.sr mtklncj Ikw ta "i TOWUX. MTH CO 1 Cherry pound. rTI.

Atimrj A VoilKLNtl BOAT Kith can a lent jOwner may Imvp i js I'tuni) KTr KMIlOATINQ. Central Hudson Boats. In tlf.ct May 29th. 1903. kiom rLtuqiiKKisrsiK.

wnrnnii iiiuTikkbt r. k. 1 UN it 1 p. f'r jjiim iii M. K.

MrHMMt li. I It lt TI Afff 1ITK IHM1I d.VTn 1 I'. IVuU fifnj Nnn Br i n. wh, Oi iiitiiI lfm Apw. voitnis, ai, iii.

iHninJikHi" MORNING BOAT NEW Y0RKP Steamer Mary Powell, M4J J'." ooooooooooooooooo ON THE DIAMOND lleniltii Wf4nk1alrti LTlADUn. fcnmp Raucrrtl' IuiukiTls. S. Iludnain, Hi Nhurh. IL flTANIJINO OP Tim CMTI18.

W. I. llu.lKon 14 KlnRHtnn 15 10 INiuiihkii p.lp. II S'22 RiiiR rtli. HnBlnhiK II 13 4r'' Nenlrtirsh 8 IS nibnvttv, lr, nv 1111 llMmlr) I I Wllll.hi'e..

rn. t. (J. K. Bum.) 1 1 1 1'lr I Mtl FulkA Um, twljr ii inarnvi.

i Ttie JKl'X: l.WH: 1:3. tmt: punm oo, rrihrv An'vmla, b. k. 1 1 Cr4(k4. lr.

h. (Ilowmlre): 3 1 4 wt Khim 1y (t. (M.nKiilih)..3 4 2 SuniM HMikra, Satin llalch, TVmr Time THE RUNNING HORSES. nin wotiLD'fl iiKoonDs nnoKKN. C'hlcnjrri, IIIjl July l.r nrhr.

ntnl orW mlr tt 3 5. He im O.iy, AKin A lalo ninnlnK without the Irtph of a wHIn. loucrimr th worht' Tho INniAhkiH iml.tn. In hnnl riiril for nrm mllo to 1.3735. Uo r.

link nt AniKPrtlra Wtilnwlny oftfr r.mlhhtvl It In Jh flrnt ofthr nnnn. lonlnit tho minn by won of hannlily lnt Kivnblo. In th haAi. liiok at a.i!tiEiiTina. 4 to 3.

IowiiIiik had nn off l.iy. Il a lly ImiII In th flrKt Innlnir. Ii tllnic In to run. lirrlnn fly In tho mi nnil ami l. In run hll SJwwnny in.ulw hort throw In nrih race lug T.ik fh mark for V4 fUTlonB.

at 1:321 5. The troi wiui upvi In ltUT rwnIItton for ror.1 bivaklmr, but a llff bre. bl'W up th hom*o Mrrtrh. Alnn A IKile tn lh nllo rnop i ot thp Ihn thlnl Icttlnif In the otluT run. The iu all the Tiy.

Tho XraiitiUmal tlrm1 IoUKhkerrlo pl.irm miub llirw pjirn of hl ac i wtib Qikxrter. :25 1 half, nl run. Jii the lant InnliiK by the heavy :411 thnv tiuarti rx, 1U23.B; one in. ItlnK 1 3 i.f 1lno I. Hi Ix iit ever luitthiK of llrophy nml lllnRliiin h.ini uibl I'ox i on.lltuliil the lNiuKh keeimle Inttery anil CoiiIhiv nml Homl iler for The wore by In It, II.

K. rmiEhke.ple.O ft fl ft 0 0 0 0 3 3 S.iUKi 1 I 0ft 0 0 00 4 llulou ilefealeil Neburnh Vi ilne il.iy afternoon by of 11 to 8. The iwnv v.n, full of error, cnuwil by the player. JtrlnB romi elleil to fail! blailnc oun. The rrore by lnnlnK: IS.

It. K. Hilili on 0 2 0 3 ft 0 5 3 13 15 1 0 3 0 0 5 1 0 8 13 5 The KlnKfiton team defeated Hed Hook', team bv wore of 4 to 8 ami PevkKkiU lH nt Oiwlnlnir by a wore of 11 to 2. The rouRhkeep ile team re innii'ieil at Rnnrertle. and will play there again thl.

afternoon. XATIONAL I.mGUK. mnder a olreulur track. The former rei ortl of 1:37 4 5 Autnade at Sh. ilHfl.

lmy In 1WH liy nriftn linr. In th.u rare llrlRmller carrle.1 11 Alan A Ial. ha.J up 110 to ami a ridilen by J. ki Tho In mrm by T. C.

SlrOomll. of Lextmcton, Ky. WITH THE GOLFERS. IThllarMphla, l'a July 1. The Wet htr Cmirnty Oub, of N.

York, won the Jn rhnmplonehip of he J'nHeI State, to day froin 4he Itrjn Slawr tiiijii vy a anm of 9'i iKibi to on thn (leUI of the Philadelphia (l.im try Club. LACROSSE. Montreal, j'uly 1. In the reeenoe 12.WH) nH tato dny the hormirfk Llcl tcitn d.r thlai rrfi Nenv York, July 1. In tramo replete liramf, team by rtx (ronln Mllh iFi tMla nil iJayit, tn vihi! Ilh ld.M tne nrM m.lton nf ho HTbT (rt, NeV York on rrom St.

for the ml)lnntle of th uls du Jay. A triple likiy by thoj.lorna. lm hT of the nrH 1, aN wan the wne irmiul oe of flil.t The tnateh athi ver rough, rrn r. ladl. work That outnhow nH Hi i In 't ruli offTn.

el ry Kanx Hny naiKi WnnOT nnrl lavl took lr and. ut 1 were taXl am.1 MASQAO.VI AT URirnAUfLVU no on out. It may be iwunul a BanK iiivw. Currle ni MtOlnnlty llurlnir iho fci dreiKn hmirml at the l.ith i lKlK't 'l 0va Houne of Mawax nu.lnHt tM vbUiora. ni' Jarnfite i ra, "Iriis" which wa, iu ii.

i i ii imi autumn lorinetinn, inw New York 0 0 0 1110 2 5 9 I Amerlea, Mao airoJ, who wnn Iiul 0 0 0 0 1 1 0,0 3 2 dunlnB the orrhertra. mi frreatly n. ilatterk ii: McOlnnlty on 1 Warnvr; noye! tho lnv(r nth.i r. rforvano urrte and ltyan. of onc 'h ln.

in a. partk utai i Jniv 1 In n.rJtrti Tn" "ice wnt. a rry In IIL anliK'tii lliK I'ltlllAl i I lnie um RiiMhiI I' IMU't iJuiy I bi it iiii i.iim llll.TIIX. M.w iiAii.i:i.H, KI.IJ I M.U s.nn A. M.

a. M. A. M. n.4.1 A.

7. A. "7. A. 7.4S A.

M. ur i i. ivr Mill 141.. H.Hl A. M.

flUMTllNS. M.lll A. M. vil.K .1 We.rUml 1U.4.I Imk', at ll.iu Tl' ki nlJ aii.l Uiu .1.. V.

il ih enn At i.ii,..i..i,.irt,i Ite. 1:. iiiinliiu. I ei. il.n I ii 'iinIjjk nt ti Kiiti rhl.it.

II III. Mu.u,,n niter Uiie nr oM Tlikeli .111 im ilMii j. iioi i 2, I' lt viijr Tlrken a. I l.tr ltim iw i i ie on UllT JjJi JJ. ttu niiif HUDSON.


I KouUi llmlliJ. A. M. AHA A I l.iii. 4he hom*o rlub h'felM tho m.

i. inr or. Krttle tin. i rm i phw tn henjw. WWHver, "IM mamTfur olthiTBldo.

It filxth more ool. im.ro variwy!" nhout orror and A 5'' I ll.ooom,xw aU.e the wmte of th, ord thn run. f.r1ho vlntU 'W Story Teller. The liath Of 1. ByFrcd.J.Fox, Antolno Vrrdoau.

th robber of Aj ircldorf, rat unwklnif aw ion pipe ni his cot tn ire iloor. It wni a liliuiMnt fvenln In July And the rtrwln'oT the HUM town" wr full or poapm mrtt to iwt a brenth of cnolnir rter in; ini.rnt.lA hAt of the diiy. Home an Ihey pimsetl unluted VerUoauj but, tin he) either lunore. their irrectlnirs of Kim ply TUMlded nea un unH.mjr ndllTrencer no tine' felt etHtitivniced to alon nnd talk wUH' him. lMwren hlmnelf atuX nil the reftt of AimtMorf there hml Ion bern barrier of re nerve; fur hut hn1 ho tn fl Ith the fonllHh, rhatterlnR townahlpi Itn pliy Intercut lta mlMi nbty whort n.emoryT Ilia only concern In the few ura of lire that remnlnetl to him man think, to brooil.

to remember. Thjrty yenra a so, and It wimrvl but reatenlnyt Thirty yenra; ao lonT He felt he wnd getllnff old, and (h fenr froite nt hla heart lent th ahiilnn hotihl irather rmtmt hlm ere hM'Qf eal Jn nm watt reallxed. Tea, It wnt thirty yeara alnoe the iHirnhnnlment of Angfldorf. Varlonii, then In the prime of life, liml born pared, the bnrh.imua eHetnili II auk awny at the time, far from vlf ind i hltd, light I na; for hla Im Iovi. Frdnre with the army of tho lViire.

ll reiiirel tho an fill tldinea, whUh had turneil the whole current of hip lt from the lipa of a comrade duilne the il.irk houra of bivouac; how his little Alphonae. then hla only child, id Ihmi killiHl outrlaht by a Gorman ithrll, uiid how another mlaalle had atnirk nd MinUercd the wall of the new he had buflt with Ihf hard nnwd aavlnp of hla daily tall. Aa he thoujtht of It all again when nan he not thinking of HT ho lioeiime reaty nicltated. nml hla cyea Kre Jim. It vtould drive him mal In time, thin nllont brooding.

He munt fly fnnn hla thouKhta, If that were nmi1Mo. Itinlns; auddenly from hla ch.itr he put ila pipe nalde and hobbled down the nrden path Into the atreet. Hf tottered pa he walked waa (jet Inn more fetid every yner. Aajolnlnur te cottage "(pnrden waa a trip of Itind which be had foment for Hilldlnjr purKMea many, miny yenn ko. It nofftected and full of rubbish, for the mlxfortunea which had ncrtaken old Verdeau had pnr.Uyetl noBt of hla cnerglea, diverting Ihoae hat remained into one channel, con entnitlng' them uponjine great fdoal; of La Kevanchet At the extreme end of this fallow anil atuod the houe which he had uilt.

Intending It for Afphonae when ie rew to le a mnii the hnutu whl'h he had made a turret for heir cruel i hoi In. The old man pnuaed jontemplatlnglhe ntructuro tn alienee, wua much larger than the cottage here he llvwl. having nil the reteii iona of a villa. Hut algna of dilapKIa ln were everywhere; the window Vcre broken, the InnMe wnlla were lamp and mlldewetl nm the mot tar In waa crumbling' nw.ty. The louae waa, na It hud alwaa iM'cn, un enunted, and the ragfrod aperture nl le top of the outer wall, where the hell Ind pierced, whn unrepnlreil.

He. wiuld remain na long ns Antoin Vcrdeau h.id hia way! Aa he gazed it the unalghtly breich a look of bit erne 4ine Into nhr rymr tiot the tltterneitft hlrh a man feola for articular enem, but the la fie hatred hirhne whofto apirlt In unbroken taUIUM Theimfowonateetor. am In the Mm. 1, romftn wont from ld to In lit tne runin, It. 5' .4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 11 ll.kln 000O00212 5 7 2 IMilMlpi'l and lMrolp; Jom and lUtt and Aheoro.

rhlladilphui, July l. Meee ik to ilay anil the Heal nn hi. Imperwinntlo. nnrl now waa alnir Inic almoftt eoirinually out it turns. Th.

exai. rated tmiMi4er could Htaml It no Vmer He Ktopiiotl tho oivhe.tra nml l. the tonBer" down to th "Sim all other meh'J. for mnklni tho i.i7is (fertile ffeom to hae I.Ltl. hlin at lr, nlntllrw WINI Uia iawwi, no r.iT t'hllK bilK IW'I I tifm jnwrwr, "I urn i .1.

I.nl1iam tJloire teuiriT noore IL II. K. OhnuKil 1001000204 11 3 1 3 1 0 5 2 12 14 0 llall.tlii": Mmefto and KbiiB; Milch .41 and IVwIn. AiiraucAN i.nvouR. It.

)iimi try Hmtlntf It on the koy?" Ih Wet kly. i. JI.tr Al INihxieo: 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 lt.h.ln 000000 0 0 I I ii. 0 llf, HH WIN THfc5tiTCir. The nt: roiev Tor w.vlklnjc nuinlie In IlrvUnl jrjepnllrt a eim'lai one In thi.

country Rome' ienr. an when een l.iw yon, editors and oth'l men In illKntllnl eallinB. ontcrl walk Ini: f. ntenl. wllh kt.

tt V. Ih Slll, Uaitorle. naherly ami rmuie, rT." ii. llior mm Un i K.i 3pou lll.L'in BlMll Allu.lt v. Nr Wk flllML.u I ml lieu Kl It ,11 HO I It.

.1 'Jll i 4aliul.ukouue, ...1 0 I II Sol No.lxiritl l.Ji.t I I.L..,MJ.. I I'll V.mv l. IT 1,111 I I W. IS.Il N. It.

0.1" i W. ia.1 w. N. kill IS W. ia.1 Kk.

N. H. I 411) Ii. It.hu., aii. iii) ami no ii Kir ii.

)(H 4al Tnitu. it ami fruiu Albany liorf. 1 liroUKh Ticket, to oInU North, Wel, Miunf ana AUeriMoa Coueerta. TIII3 NI5W STEAMKH AUGUSTUS J. PHILLIPS.

lua.reu kliDcatoo IRouduut) and return' iwli. I.KAVK. A. vn. 1.

i AAi Hitrmi Jl.l.l.H iMjctc I.Slll'1 l'r I'Allhf hum. ptuK Ill'illlaVII Illl 1IIIKKKIT1IB ItKir UMMI I.KAVKH. 7. I HMt '4U A. ki.

1 VI 11 4 211 l. BI J. 2 1 UM a a V. i. 4 no 4 0.1 4.411 4.41 fiLI 6 6 HI A partlt lllillllMl i i Aitiv in.

JMJST I'AltK 1" 43 I.KUITH II. Ml IMM II ll'IO i.iiVimiiit Arrlr lt r.te fur rieunilua frHln i arrU.1 to Rood, Hit and Interou aiaio K4at. Win na aftar Ja. tat. WNIUl T.yH I.KAVH "NlHHIT i 30 I.KAtK lOLUUKHEpaiB 10.

Ii 4.110 YouiiL' nml Criifer. At li.tr.flt: II lloimit ft 0 ft 0 II 1 0 0 I 0 WM.hlm.1on I I 2 0 0 0 0 ft 0 1 10 3 lt.i.i. rl.f. IIi.tWir. Koiwiim llu.

l.iw, rlh and I hill. At t. Inil: 'l .0 0 1 ft I 3 II It 2 2 II 1 2 7 11 .1 lMtl N.w York. hour pt4nt. In hi.

he in iib 2i In that thno wlth ln the tmik Mr irtx f.iy. h. pa.No. the tint hour or two tn eontrlv tnK rw he o.ill.l "rtlt itraeofull Mllh.ait raxtintr a I4enil.h on hut repu tation for I hit omowlia. to hU urprl w.Mind up at tho sou' lkitterkf ami Uolnie.

Tanne uh(Mi, of hl(1 lie think. In hill ii n.l (TConnor. At tlovi lmtf: r.u 0 (I (I ft I 0 18 IS ln.lVi.loll.k .10 0 0 0 3 10 2 9 13 lllklilotpllkl .10 0 IkllterloaXjofi! i ....1 Um l.r. ckl tin abnlH In hi. IWIHIM foi avoiding failure that be dHtyt roalxr any l.llly fat'truo.

ami Ikmin; JUnley ami r.lirk THE HARNESS HORSES lllnirhainlon, N. July AlthoUKh lli fia. wua mm Inn.rov.'.! at lnJ rm4m u' The I. fart l. )n Atllh In On tntdltional ffrt.

lty the lifo.Klhiiwml A thouHau d.i.Iuir a of thUi who wa. put r.n the trull of an a.lle.'efl rrintliuil In New York Tuewlay for awk (he purault to nter a kHchrn wi do vour rle iddin. ifn forelun lntert5uurao th tlnSUJ tatt. vonir but oon tovlunrn wita Miiall. In IIki In atj rei oii.

cut thi Audai Hy, Ihe fiivi rite, voilM no w. bvtler tluiii thlnl. ore! mwr fnv. lte In the pu.v, fan Tlw laat nice wntia Antf ii ''i lu Iein aolil tnJiil thu llnil lietil, Tlie wnmnary. TrGuittiiin "pikrfiTIIOO.

rrlnnw u. tKICtmrn) TW toiin. b. (lkir). .2 Au.Jn liy.

4i K. lll.ww) I lltrij ir. It. IMorroirt 3 Hull. 11, jM.im..to, alu'anirlMl.

TIiih ll4: 2.1'.. 1 3ft im tainif $100. I lUuknoelte. cli. tn.

Ull lottk) 4 4 11 to len lhaji ll.OOH.OOO. 2 I 1 2 3 Ti" r. 4 4 ii Uio Ketr ontl Better Breakfast s.21: ioihI, bo different from itfl omera that it idcAi" everyliclr. Oct a i.akaio toay at your grtxeni. 1 faa uunu ra Fki defeat might feel for whole con juerinir rniv.

The cap ahould ner bo tilled up' 'le had It. Neer. until Ia tevanebe had come. Till then II hould remain, to. remind Al.aee of hei haino.

France of her duty ind a token, concrete, tangible. Itisl.t tit! Some fool. In Anfftl.lorf hnd many line. advlHod him to rotnilr the will indpiit the hniue lu order. Ah th.y 1.1 not umler.tand thuHi iriven.I II lould brlnK In rent ointhliiic for litoriiie's ilowry.

they a.al.1. tut hi t.nl nlw.l. their imwrly nd Ici the Oerman alu.e.! Silently brtnlln. he retraced lil len. thloilKh the Rl owInK dll.k.

The Icht fnun a l.nnp In.i.le Klimmere.1 hniiiKh the diamond il imne. he cntt.iRe window, uiid on enterlna .1.1 Vrrilonu found the table laid fut he evenlnjr meal. A yuuna; woman, qf twenty live year. in tho old iimd'i tbalt tar the table. well form .1, wllh f.ilr hafr anil.h blu ib.

and an ii. plea.iiut loll of fni. h. infuhl lnvo mi.ed f.n tl. riiliin inni, I.

n. alance can I. tle: lb. re wii. ml ti drop of T' mil, IiIimkI ll her M'l nn.

Sh. wna Ali i.lne Vird.au'. The old linn wink into the hair lint en.y. and nlpto hia Kl mil of tlte.ll Alne. while the sill repealed rnpldl he more Imiiort.nt riem.

ftoin hei ludicet of town uiihhIii. A tbllt In yd round her father' III a a tiled on. "So that I what they he re nn i kid. "You Willi. rok.ui lee.

mi I her honey. Victoria Indeed, ou hear .0 inuih, iiIu.mi can tell no If the new Matlon mauler la ai Mlnte.1 yet?" 'The Mutton mu.ter?" he eihod. In i tone of urprle. eVby. he rami lourly two mouth, ago." hadn't heard." trUenu, veurlly.

"Theie Iii little to liuere.t im II AiiKtldurf Hut who la thi i ii An Alwitliin. I ho.e." kroin ihe tjr rneinr of hi. loolc, Vle oilne kiii w' llial khe wn on danker lua ttrouud, Ihlnk imtr f4heritt he il.lr 1b aif hla wunhlnit jrliiiM'" winialleo ha truth "11 know Ml mil lew matlon nia.ter i ll. rr llnuer." A llere cxiireaalrni leal from, the Vl.hlcr'k li. "A tlernuin!" he cried with olitempt 'I thouKht a.

inuih!" "Hut iut ii rrulmi, fjiWr." Vlcto tie ext.ilnie.l. "Ilorr luu.r I. out nt 'talaria." The old pulrlol n( her with uiiteinpluou pity "If a 1 1'" atlaik rd you.iarl, retorted, wou)J Toil nek what, breed It. waa? Vrumian or llararlan, "tl all the name. And how doe.

the lownahln take thl lateauhv ult lo Prance? With It wonted aer tlllty. I Warrant, mlllng' back It think for every l.inri of. the Oermiti tn.kma.terl" eilerr llauer eem 10 be popular In Anaelilotf," the girl ventured timidly. iler father rbruaged hla abouMtr', "You have een him?" he aaked. "Jle ha been at Ihe Hernlcr'on or in loe," rellled.

"Ye, I hav met him there." She nulrklr from herth.tir, "And. of exurae, yfiu Ilka him, wTtti Ihe reetr he returned arcatlt'aliy "It would not lie Vlctorlna It ahe wrrt not In tho fa.hlont" The Rlrl reihleiuM. "lie cem an njreenl.le num." tnlil) Jliut even II were otherwlae, 1 don't net howlt can concern father he niely. "I'lerre Mhhe ahnuld havo had th Job," teatlty cried the old num. "He I nn Almitlan Inirn and bred; hut there wim no one In the placc'tn peak a wonl for him.

Anireldorf fear the oppiy.aor too much for thtt. It ha come to believe that Iji ltevatiche Ir an idle cry that he vlll never come Hut hc will tvime," he cried, wllh wild Inten.lty, llfllnie hi ce and talklnn to the Collin rather than to Vlc lrinef Jhe hnH comet" "So you have alway nnl.ir wa the girl' rcionft; "but how lonff the time aeema!" "Only to tlio.e who have lo.t hoiK and courage." he replied, "Thank to the good Iod, I have both Milt, Vlctorlne. Thnuith I am some time Impnllent, I feel In my heart thai the hour I not yet ripe. Hut thai hour will come, child, and with It the man the new Napoleon, thi avlout of France, thelllierator of Alsace. Oh.

If my boy hnd only llvd, thl ulorlou mlanlon might have been Little Alphnnac, v. hone "hnd flmt kindled and afterward kept 'allv Ihe Idea of I.a Itevanche In Ihe old pa triot' boom, had become Hi 'very genlu of the great event, long de laycd. which would atanch tho woundi ol France and recover, her lnat prov Inc. It wa the cobbler rond nop. that thi bright boy.

Inheriting; hlr father' xenl, would have acquired the culture to ahape It prompting. Tc Purl he would have gone In the flowe. of hi manhood, no peevl.h railer at le.tlny, but tho victor over Incredible obatacle. With convincing; force hi would have rendered articulate Hit vague napirntion of the people for re veng and perhaps uch wa the font' parent' conceit would even hended the.nttAik agalnat tho hereditary foe. The death of her brother, v.

horn Vlctorlne had never knowiv wa th ole mean by which he could obtain any conception of the central Idea which domlriatd her father' mind In all other respect La Itevanche wa unlntelllKlble to her. Horn a full (lvi year after the wor. he unconcioul) accepted German nwendency na pan of the cstabllshd order of things 1 French Aliwce wa hlstorleanyloo re mote to be iui.lunatery nppTehended "Why not let the matter retT" thought. Like her mother, who hao died In glvlnir her blrlh, he shranV from the Idea of war between Ihe na tion. Of an eminently practical bent he ronalderal her father, prererenci for cobbllnit ahoe In inury InMeao of repairing the houne which tne nei had iil piece of Infutua Hon.

To um up tho matter, there wn little ugKtlon of La llevonchi al.iut Vlctorlne except her name which contained, a It were, tho prom Im. nf the fulfilment of her father'! hoc. Immersed, a he often was, Ir dreamy ieculatloii. Antolne Vrrdeai wo neverthile keen ennugn to per eele that hi daughter waa no enthu last. She had Imbibed Instead lie lethargy of the township, and a a con ncfjucnce he eldoni spoke of his Ideal to her.

Hut that last blow to FrencI pride the apixilutment of a Clrmuii atatlonnia.ter In a town no near thi frontier a Angeldorf affected him lrutely that he. obllsed to talk. "I saw I'lerre Michel pas to day," he suld a few day later. "He houl have had tho kisi." l8Tl bo more man tbnr Herr Hauerr" Vlctorlne naked, uine what iiwlle.ly, for she knew' I'lerr. tn Iw a hnpclos ne'er do wcll.

"lie I an lAlsntlan resiKinsos "4 The reason wns mucn too sentlmem tal to KpiH ut to Vlctorlne, nlid found herself, In fore she wn nrf iware of ir, blunderltiK Inhi an nd vo niv ol tho Huvurlan's tlalm. "People sny. fallier, that Herr llauei is well up to hi work," she observed a Ith mime warmth. "Me ha b. eil wr icwint In tho Kkwnbahn rrglnient, am.

has a Bil recoid. "Whero did jou hear all ll.l. girl? Verdeau asked Impiilit'lilly. "Ah, I see ou h.ne met him agiln" Viti.rl.i ntoldl her father's gaxe 'tea list lilKht nt the sin I. piled In a low volte.

"Why doe. he go there so much?" he In.iulrd llenoly. "And whut does old H. rnli mean by encouraging him' A. lover for tho fair Julie, pirluipsV He! ha! 'TI ho spouted.

"Tb Deutoher have Hindu tlieir con iiuesl complete. We Klo Iheni oui win for their urniy. our daughter foi Ihelr wives! They huvo contpn'red us l.sly nndouH" At the conrluslun of thl outburst vii im tne' i heck were llainlue rd. "Whut aro you auylng, futhcr?" he rrleiL "Tho iow statiuiiniiler mat ry Julie "Hernlei? Eugenu marry her! The Intensity, of her voice 'caused hlin to IihiIc lip suddenly, and tne t.n t.l. tlu.h An her chwka wa revealed i.i him.

VI. torlne hud lietrnycd her "ie.ni: iroTTWret vhlCh tw had i. uloiudr cuiuded for a whole inuiilli! Autulne Verdeau winV hack In his ralrlike orre smltlrn wilh Hie ilsy. Vlituiliie'" he suld Inji liiktrsv will. l.

r. 'ou yourself love this niun thii I'rnssiaii Hie iliuw herself nt hi fci t. "Not 1'iussiiii, she pnitri.li netiienlly. but He 1. difrrTeiH from ill other mum, for he ll.l I.

the and ndliilres and her lirihi i.t'ph AplkinMl) be did not tn'ur thl iis i.i'otrsl. or n.illee the dl lns wlikli Inr auddeii diaclustire of her lore find caused. her. life looked down upon her aadly, reproachfully, aa at Dome weak and unworthy Lnbjetti arh a took' In hi eve a rhnolma.ter might (IT a child wim waa unable to grasp a theme, to him simple. Then he" left her lo, her tear, and slowly ascended the ere.

kins When hrn rencbejL room' at Ihe bacVbf'th cottuxe'he threw open the window, and looked out The while rinllfihw'of the moon rendered all th, more prominent objects of th landsrnpo plainly visible. He could see th clearing In the forest wlifi rn up to Jhe Isn der An gel.lort. and neat by gllsteni fine ol the white sftinea tm frontlet 1l)e 4 uddelSly If by' ttat, his Illusion fell and the bubble of hla dream waa bun t. II. teallsoil for the ffrat time since tho wai the mad futility" of1 It all.

The landmark jtirtder et by Ihe Oenn fn the forest stone were fixed ami Immovable. Lit "lte nine would never come. Ho hud Iieen a foul for cherishing hi hnj.es na Iohr Franc rnred nothing for hei lost province. Her glorj hnd do parted: ahe wn auptne and asleep The oocalonal frontier trouble, tbt restlvcnes of ft few Aluatlans unde the con.iueror' Iron decree. Houlan ver the charlatan, that overpralsd alliance with Ilussla, Ihe verse of Paul the stagy herolca of a few horheir.led 1'arlslons: "whAre illd Till Ihese thing lead? Nowhere Tin Ideal was burned nut, nml the.

were the miserable flickering from Its embers. He iteard YlclOf'nC snbblnln Ihe next room, and great pity aured at his heart. He had never trld to understand the girl. Leaving her to her otiw device, he had llvd with La Ke vonche, and cared for no one ele. mol! wonder, then, that to escape hi dreary society Vlctorlne hnd thrown herself Into the arm of the foe.

llefore he fell asleep he 'had again become ntolne Verdenu of the days "veforc the wtri the practical tradea man. Intent upon affair, eager to save ind acquire, to benefit hla family. What had workd the miracle? It may have been hi daughter' grief, or tht range Immutable look of the frontier tone In the cold moonlight. 11, could not tell. When he awoke he felt numbd and listless.

The dream which had fd his vitality had departd. There waa a marked change In the girl well. Her vivacity was gone. She no longer fathered gtiip aa the bee gather toney; no longer lavishly retalld It 4ubdud and careworn, she went about her dutlea mechanically; and when her fill her would have spoken with her th. mute appeal for Mlenee In her eye itralnd him.

i. For a whole week, she re ma Ind In. loom, and then one balmy summer nenlnrf she went out of the cottage, caving the old man still at his work. She returnd late, her eye, bearing 'racea of recent tear. Then It was Verdeau found It within him tc break the silence.

"You have "been to the Ilernlera, Vlctorlne!" heraatd. Ye wn the tuH hi head In respectful aflenee. II, waa a antdier and patriot, too, and an an derstood. And thu It trha that Angrtderf lnat that Insistent reminder of lta shame, and once more the ha roe wrought through the hatred of the natton, waa rrpalrd by the tore of a man for ciaM Chambers' Journal. CASTOR I A Tot IaXuU tdid CUldrta.

Hi Klstt Yoo Win Ahraft BiqU eucA4c 'Boars th, rUgnatcraof i OF JtTLT CKLKnrtATION. main, feature. In the celebration In the nation' birth. liy should he the of It. faith In the arrest new of It destiny and the glory of lta mn slon.

The celebration of the "featlral should be thoughtful, dignified, and beautiful, but alnre all else It should be Jubilant and enthusiastic1 It In be retretted that ptwAprlate, InstriH five, and attrartlva public rtlebral ton of the day are not Ihe general rule. In every Hty, town, ami hamlets In every community ther, should Im a formal lebratlon aufll clently spectacular, musical, and oratorical to be both popular and Insplr Ing; but we ore, jiot. to undervalue the crudest forma In which th p. I riot lc enthusiasm of Ihe rlirtnrr generation flnds'vent. It mean much that 19 tb, children the' Fourth of July Is themoat juhllcnt of holiday.

hi 'thl day enthmlaam la the best duration. Those fomna of expteaatan of patriotic nenllmrnt whkh, alj tha most'pleaslne to the masse and moat Captlvntlng to youth are the beirt. because they are thej most tractive. The, ft ideal Fourth of July 'wHebratlon laJfl Maine or Manila, In Alabama or Ala ka. In Ohm nrOreron, in Porto Ttlco or Pennsylvania, In, New or Honolulu, will Interest the school will Set them marching and singing ami waving the atar spangted ban ner.

will enrich their minds with pic turesque memories and kindle their Imagination and lire their heart, with visions of the peerlesa glory and destiny of the American people. On thl. day let the skeptic become a shoutlnc believer, and the pemlmlst an optimist. Our national annlreraarjr should be festival nf faith ami tbankaglrlnr. Lealle'a "DEAN'S TUIEUMATIC PtLlS abao.

lately rare nheurnotlrnt an Newrmlguw ntkrely Vege table. Bat, The fact' that the new aotomobC lit ii.i iwraiu at Albany with a targ mimbor of clerk, la not. able tor tana. licrnwa aa ft, aa tbe jr are applied fur show go what extent the' as of tho horoileaa vehldo haa grown to thl state. He healtatd a moment, and then In lulred.

"You have een hlm'agaln the Mntionmasterr "Yes," he retdld In a level voice. 'He askd me to be hi wife," Iler rather showd no surprise. "You connentdr She caught her breath. "No; I re fusd." "Ah!" he breathd heavily. "But why?" "I gave no reason." she replied In the same monotone, "nut" her voice now falterd "I think he guessed.

He say he lsrcomlngr trrsee you to morrow. "He shall have bl answer said Verdeau quietly, "You love.hlnl, Vlctorlne?" Th unwnntd tenderne In hi voice nusd her to look up Ther a ft new light In her father" eye, which howd him to be no lonrer the intrlot buy with hi dream, ho'long the reclune hugging hi burden of bitter memories, but the man and th father eager to perceive and eympa 'hlxe with the delregand wtuknc.ee if woman' heart. She threw herself ot hi feet and 'cissed hla hinds with itaaskmat, nergy. "Father!" waa all she could tay throiich her tears. When riicene riauer cnterd the cot tage Ihe next day he.

found Antoine Verdeau ery ditferent inueou inim jn descriptions given him by Ihe An seldorf tnwnsfnlk.1 He waa courteou ly relvd, and encouraged to talk on iiitter dear, to'hls heart; the hill ol his native country, the Rlorlea ol M.mi.h. Its nrt. Its music, even Its lieer. He spoke wllh the fire ard ani mation of the South Oerman; and re vealed no tnice of Prussian stolultty Hut when these liiiprrsoiuij nutter were left behind, nml the nulii business of his mission calld for attention his lluenry forsook him. and It was mil) hoii Vic torlne rnterd tho nm that he summoned up ourns In sK ak.

1t.1t it was not to talk about Ha vuriil I came here to 'li." ho said hesltatltlgly. "for there Is another matter whlih nff.Hs me mm lt tiwre dee y. Th fuct Is, Monsieur Verdeau, Vlctorlne and I are lu love with each other and and" "And ,0 would marry?" Id man, "Ah, monsieur, when there an (wo wIIIIiie poflles to contract, what rlKht liu a third to stand in tlwwayT Vlt torlne utterd a glad cry a her lover replied. In, burst of fever. "Yw make nit) the happiest msn In the world; Monsieur' Verdeau.

tul I am not wholly selfish1 In my Joy. I know hat Vlctorlna I to you. and I shal. not take her far awnyf. Why," cfld reassuringly, ''from hre to tb tillage at th, station Mis little mure I Im 11 stone's thmw." "She need not lv so 7ar awn that." ald the old man iiul.

lly. TThcre I the house yonder. You see, rnon er. dou not tni in Iter hu bilid quite dowerles'." VI. torlne t.ired at the pld man lc uniaxement, "Hut.

father, that nous, wu never to' lv rviialrcd utiltl Ls Itevnnihe bad come!" AnTfliliH Venleau shook IliS he.uT Itrvnnclio Is ihlld. Htr wll never i cme in. You see. monsieur lie turned to tho sUtlonmaMrr "I wra my dream mice." Ho wnil'il sadly, but there were inii in hi rya The youug.r man boaed Thelleppmr. ire fladl, carried a aafe weigrhlnaT thouaand tnundls a distance of a mie by rolling over.

mfMI lAn airbrake been perfectt J. for auttinwUkaa ha AS 12 DAYS OF OLD. taow a Tfcea. faV4y a I Ujooandlweredcfendiag acasiWwa ahooU, cf courrwlfloke pecudly to taoaa puns where the wfdl wer, lowataaa irMkest. NowtlUiimMljdTbacartla, TlMiwaaiidttaidwbra oarwaak, snots sr.

sod bow teorer them fnaaaU tack, Ua loojprr wa aU keep, jitaaaa iaa. W.tutut defend Cm1 lio.fywbaa tt la first tlinatened. wait am Iba' enemy has mads a lodgment laaU, tta TlialAltiai i J.U,waataa,tliis.. purities, tie notsooa are, wnos au ntpu. throwa out of CaUe Iloilr ly tba InrntS Jba Boweb.

th Kidsa rMIia Hkla Uieaa foor staiiiiRei. But wtaai the fin three are bothered l.r ladiiearA ioa' and dyiqirpua, the alia be mora work tbaailoutdo. Kow Use maa exiaaaa Ua skis, or som part of it, to lb, coU. Tho eiiaiu. ski is rlouunl at once, loll lows, tho nutsou ljoa to woa s.

si.k. Keep rour ST" iIB wuk IS Bw mnboine, JUW urA Solreut, dnrorend bf lr. Jtava Keaiwdy. of Keonady Bow Kit as on, N. T.

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i. Sr i.jS JT1 I..

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.