THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1933 SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. SEYMOUR. IND. TAGS EIGHT Spent Churchill Named By Kroger On Ads Winner; Of Nobel Help Of Legion Sought By Civil At StclnwedeVs iteratweJPrize, DefcMSftJHirci TndiarapolistP) 4 AhTfcrfctftf Kroger CompahylaU year, it hai Stockholm wedeiv l-rrtw, lender- havf been- byjWiTIi.aai Sdn.
Mmtster-Sir WHWtoir Cbutx-hittii "by" the hatJonarp.vU defend riing. director o( Ad viarUsint, lot was today awarded the' lto3 no- Pbtewureffteorrri member as voluntary rescue HO!" liant historical writings. "7 That amount i'TrepresenU steady increase during the past (quads. 7 The famed British leader The director, Vai Peterson, for fifty years; Sanning said, pointing thus became the first maker of out that hie company has been mer governor of Nebraska, spoke Tuesday at a meeting of state for style-minded men of oil oges- VONDEE THEATRE Will' Preseht The Finest Attractions In Motion Pictures! commanders, adjutants and national executive committeemen. In doming red history to receive a Nobel Prize-for reporting it.
The a ward was announced by the Swedish Academy after a brief formal session this afternoon. Four other prizes of the same major buyer of newspaper space since before the turn, of the century. Ads for early Kroger sales were tiny notices about B. H. Xroger's Nw totttrsolls ond yellow1 He suggested formation of eight-man squads at the post level "fine coffees, teas and of new styles -to choose appearing in only one or two amount, for achievement in the for emergency service.
He said he was asking the veterans' organizations to do the job because the general public has not become Plenty from oaoers. In contrast today, the news oi pnysics, meaicme-pnysi- company plans to us more than ology, chemistry and peace, are aroused to the need. 20,000,00 lines to advertise its Que announced utter, proo-71st annual fall sales event, bow tly in late November. s6.95 Civilian Apathy Peterson cited laziness, wishful thinking, fatalism and overconfl- M5 AND in progress. Translated Into every- The awards are made from a day terms, that would add un to nine million dollar fund estab- dence as some cf the reasons for a super-size' newspaper of an-lushed by Alfred B.
Nobel, inven "Whars Quolity Is Higher The" Price" proximately 10,000 pages if all tor of dynamite, at his death in the ads were in one issue. 11896. PIANO SX Coll Mars Beauty SKsf Phone T1S-W" Residence Phone R90-X Baldwin's Aeroaonie 8ptaet ART IRETHAUU ED BROOKS FACTORY APPROVED HOOVER OEAKER SERYIfiE Coaaplaie Stack Boovet Repair Parh PHOITE ST OR U1S Knm iAm i- Churchill was chosen winner more than 1.100 rfail-r ww. own a neia or za canaiaaies, in a. 1 A.
EE civilian apathy. He called civil defense "merely an extension of already existing community services to meet unprecedented problems." "It can't stop bombs," he said. "All it can do is to minimize the effect of atomic attacks. Well organized, it can saxe up to 50 per cent of the casualties." ly papers, Sanning explained, "utuf and Carl pointing out tnat company Hemingway Sandburg, British novelist Graham Greene, has spent more than $22,000,000 Italian Alberta Moravia and S2nce 1904 Seymour's Greatest Store for Men end Beys France's Albert Camus. Wall Paper FREE for pewspaper rpace in the past five years alone.
"Our sales last yea topped $1,000,000,000 for the first time In our history he said, "and I feel certain our extensive use- of French Lick Spa Peterson said building elaborate bomb shelters might bankrupt the country. He advocated instead dependable warning systems and H0BBS MILLER Insurance To Be Operated newspaper advertising was a nome-type shelters. 1934 Plymouth 'YOU CAN EARN AN ADEQUATE RETURN ON YOUR MONEY WITH The Legion leaders took na iJor factor In making that rec- immedlate action oh the clan. 1 possiDie." By New Owners Sanning also praised the bart SAFETY INSURED played by newspaper food 'price advertising in holding down the Clear-spring Sunday School offering $8.83. attendance 113V4 WEST SECOND ST.
PHONE 683 71; cost of living. "By providing guid French Lick, Ind. VP) New owners of the French Lick Springs Hotel, biggest in Indiana, gave SALE Values up to $1.50 Single Roll Reduced To Sell At 15c -75c It will pay you to buy now for next spring. ance on market trends, season. The Rev.
Omer Fisher filled hislable products and special items! assurance today that the 1.722 by investing your savings in a rlome Federpl Full-Paid Income Shors Certificate Insured up to $10,000.00 appointments Sunday morning advertising allows homemakers to acre spa will continue to operate ana ms lamuy were mm aavanuge or current values," as a resort and convention center. tinier guesis or Mr. and Mrs. ne conunuea. -At the same time Tishman Realty and Construe GET EKTRY BLAffK TODAY AT COOPER M0T0JI SALES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1 SALES It SERVICE I i a a eaPtf MOST REMARKABLE HORSE noscoe Crockett and family.
helps to move available iner-Mr. and Mr. Russell Huntsinc-1 chandlse from producers to ton tion Co. of New York announced Wednesday it had purchased the urrent rote of earnings IN THE WOULD TO APPEAR HERE er, of Bloomington, spent Sunday 1 uners at minimum cost, he 3 per annum. resort from, the Massachusetts wun air.
and Mrs. Otis Moor. eaaea. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Mrs.
Lawrence Go forth and The Insurance company acquired all stock In the property a year daughter, of Kurtz, spent Tuesday Havrfpri with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Goforth. "VUCI Heme FEDERAL Savings Loan Ass'n. 117 W.
Sad 8L Glenn M. Keach. 70S PAPER HANGER AVAILABLE MONIES ago. It had held a $1,600,000 mort Mr. and Mrs.
John Horstmanl Mr. nd Mrs. Ralnh Crilvin and gage on the spa since a New York nd son, speht Sun-1 family spent Sunday witth Mr. tie-it fei tiptcai hotel syndicate bought it from the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Orville and Mrs. Raymond Hauercnenrer TiumM Taffsart heirs in 1946 weoaeu. land son In Snrnmr 1 It MtgH DRUGSTORE llr u7Si Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr.
and Mrs Harrr Bamthouse. SMiaxaia Sal son, of Brownstown, called on his Jr, and family spent Sunday with The latest sale was reported un- i.un, jr ocoii, ana wue reiauves at Crane. off kially at around two million Brown Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perry, of dollars It did not Include the 80- Week end visitors of Mr.
and Seymour, called on Mr. and Un I wtn rnmnration hottler Mrs. Loyd Bevers were their chil- Shelby Capes and son Sunday Lf laxaUve mineral water, which WW OUR HM PUP aren, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bevers, afternoon.
Mrs. Horace Simmons was told separately to Maxwell R. of Spraytown, and Mr. and Mrs. also was caller.
i- i I Hott. natent medicine manufactur- JDOerr. the Roller Skating Hon, with his nuttter. "AB Me-Aleumoar, wUl appear Hanson and daughter, of I Mr. and Mrs.
Flovd Srjeck andL, Mnntlcell 111. Bedford. I family, of North Vrnnn (rwntl ti nnnrlul in havtf naid I 7 MWV SATURDAY, OCT. 17 Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Day and Sunday afternoon with Mr Jandl K.twn and S200.000 for by Giving It a aun, oi ugievme, spenx aunoay Mrs. uto speck. 3 botUiiut firm. with her mother, Mrs. Luana I Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Colvin and I The present 700-room hotel Maggard, and family. children called on Mr. and Mri I oreads over a spot where Dr. AT THE ROK-SEY ROLLER RINK For Three Performances Mr.
and Mrs. John Brooking I Orville Colvin Sunday afternoon. I William A. Bowles built a small and daughter, of Bedford, called Walter Shields, who has been In I frame structure In 1840 to take in 1 1 'i -1 i i 1 i Thr win aa afternoon Ma on Mr. ana Mrs.
rem urooKing the Columbus Hoso tal the bast advantage of sorlnss that were rion from 1 until 4 o'clock. There and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otis four weeks Is not Improving saturated with epscm salts and other minerals. He was convicted Moore.
I much. wiu two snurmy from 1 to and from to 11 o'clock. There will akatins lor everyone durinf theae aeartona. "Jimm will in the middle of each Mr. and Mrs.
Wendel Bevers, of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond HauerS- of treason during the Civil War Come in tod see the cute pup we have on displsy. i i All it needs ii good name. Msybe you're the one who can tike it home.
Just lesve your suggested nsme on the entry blank st our store if k's the most unusual and best submitted you can have this swell pup to take home. Erfcr PURIHA'S Bl0 PcNawlnj Contest NOV AdditlorWiMsit byause of association with tne a wk aeaaion. Appearanca umn and ISM o'clock. Admiaeton Seymour, spent Sunday with her perger. of Seymour, called on Mr.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ed- and Mrs. Ralph Colvin Saturday wards, and family. night Knights of the Golden circle.
Thomas Taggitrt, once U.S. sen cents per- easion. include akaUnS with Mr. and. Mrs.
Robert Cole, Mrs. Edna Reddish, of Craw- ator from Indiana, acquirea we 'JiafMraT a beautiful S-yrar-old Ptrrto tallle t- arclaimed the Indianapolis, and Mike Sons, ofifordsviUe, and JMrs.MbeV Short Medor care rjsilirqr Besaa AHiaoB Clifty. -Um-Vl'i moat remarkable horae property In 1891 When he becam DeBWcratic -natterml chairman, by Art Baker when torn maae 4 pereonal appearance tu na Delmer Aynes. csUed pn Mrs. Mabel Capes Wed- many national poUtical gatherings tionAi TV-uuiw.
otrect irom nuiiy- Mr, Cart F. Walker and daugh ITWer held Jft the oUlvIt-stUH nesday afternoon. "wood has been featured In Ut and Mf ihd MrarHoracTSmlnons ter; Karertr Baton La. popular spot tor political; conxer- many- the-leadinemaiaiinee ot the nation. tid filmed by- t'nivenal and ABC televtaion CONTESTlCL0S.ESOCT0BEttr:16v 1953 jpent Aie.w days wth, her.
Aunt, Monday- for a -visH with rel- enceft at the state wmu III I aw aaj aw rtftm II network. iiriagewaier, axid.nus-1 stives- in Arizona and Nebraska. 1 11 1 1 111 1 AX-, 1 Af You havi to ee this phenomenal band lart lMrs. Velma Kade: of SeVmour." feat of Horae Training to believe it. I II I il' III 11 II I I I Mir Vtrr'ox OpalJo-ned ori Allie Simmons Sunday FEED AND Schneck Memorial Hospital News Geddls, of IntlianapoUs, called oniternoon.
12) CHICK STORE friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts Mrs. Tom Bevers, who has spent and daughter spent Sunday with y.fc r.reene.
admitted October II 1 yuv ww. SET WITH DIAMONDS A 1 3 for medical treatment, returned PUBLIC SKATING Every rridty Right 9:30 till 11. Saturday and Sunday Niflhts 7:30 till 10 Sunday Afternoons 2 till 4:30 Saturday afternoon free Kiddie aea PHONE 772 01 WEST SECOND tne past icur weens ai me Deasiae parents. turn Wednesday to 322 wen of her mother, Mrs. Ruth McCoy, I Mrs.
Louise Whltcomb, who fell Jackson street Is spending some time lat her home Thursday, Is at the i a a nnnD an i a a a a She reports her mower hom of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney a a a a a a a Mrt llm Johnson and daugh being better. in Columbus. Va ton will continue every Saturday, Jerrv Lee.
born October A3, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Fabian HilL- of Mtiimod home Wednesday to visited Mr.
ar.a Mrs. eua Auuen- North Vernon, called on Mr. and berg and family at Seymour Sun- Ijjj, Ralph Colvin Saturday night. North Vernon R4. Use Tribnae Classified Ads For Quick Rulu day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Kain called beginnins ecjooer at. FOR RESERVATIONS FOR PARTIES PHONE MS OR 701-W2 ROK-SEY ROLLER RINK MILTS WOHTH SEYMOUR OM ALT. 11 Mrs.
Norval C. Montgomery on relatives at Paris Crossing Sun nd daughter. Debra Kay, born day afternoon, October 11, returned home Wed McNutt Jewelers I 111 WEST SECORD ST. nesday to Seymour Rl. The M.
Y. F. of the Methodist church enjoyed a hayrlde and welner roast Saturday night. The W.S.CA met Wednesday Mrs.1 John H. Bryant, who underwent surgery October 9, re XTse Tribune Classified Ads.
turned home Wednesday to mi Shields Avenue. night at the home of Mrs. Willard Wohrerv Thirteen members were present. Mrs. Ora Tracey was M.E.S.
School attendance was 81. A special program was pre Mrs. Paul Speckner and son. Steohen PauL born October 9, turned home Wednesday to sented by the class of Mr. Wil Seymour RJ.
leer rt its AAellov 3t .1 I x- III 5 1 I if i 1 liam Judd. World Week of prayer will be observed Thursday night. IbsilZ Orvat il Bland, ilahd Oct K-EKIE) daughter, Rhonda Call, born October 1, returned home Wednesday to North Vernon Rl. Honeytown Attendance at Sunday School Mrs. Eugene Simmons' and son Gilbert Wayne, born October 67.
Mrs. Myrtle Bennett and her daughter, Mrs. Grace Parsons, of 12, returned nome weanesaay, 733 Second street. North Vernon. CHILDREW'S-DB Indianapolis, spent Friday night Mrs.
John Sage and son, John and' Saturday at Mrs. Bennett's Franklin nir7" born October Is, home here returned nome "Wednesday to 522 Mr and Bryan Robertson North. O'Brien street, and Don spent Sunday at Cory don with Mr, and James SheTmanMcElfresh, Madlsoruvl Brewerantf underwent. surgery this morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Trueblood Mri. Cart Ward and son, Rich entertained with a birthday of Seytnoorr and T. ard Lee. born October IS, re 2J turned home Wednesday to Co per Friday In honor of Oscar Trueblood, of Cincinnati.
Other guests were Mrs. Trueblood and lumbus R6. Mrs.i Melvln Sage and son. Printed cottons in ostorted styles ond colors. Washable.
Sixss 1 to 6. Mrs. Roth." Richard born October 12, returned home Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Trueblood and sons spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Seth Shields at Sey REGULAR 1.49 VALUE iBrownstown Rl. mour. Mr. and Thurman Bow David Baker, five-year-old ton of and.
Mrs. Charles Baker, 512 East Tiptoci streeV underwent SEYMOUR'S man visited and Mrs. Benny STORE HOURS: Mon-Frl. FRIENDLY' Seals at Brownstown STORE Sot. 9-9 Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Rite are attending a State Crange meeting at Winona Lake this surgery this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Estel Foster, Sey-mour' RJ, are iha "rents of i daughter born this morning.