Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)

3 WTCSTRHRW MATL; FRIDAY, "M'Y 15; I89T. iWump. utilic Companies r. FIFrY-KIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT os the Notional pkovinciaii bank of BN GLAND (tlMU'ElJ). 14th MAT, 1891.

SUBSCRIBED CAI'ITAL, 15,300,00 J. CAI'ITAL-Paitl 2,417,535 Unpaid (since 3,390 Uncalled 2,879,375 KesBrveLlabllity 10.603,(00 15,900,000 EIS3BKYK FOND (invested in English (iuvernmeiit Securities), 16s. 2d. Number of Shareholders, 30,075, Dirhctors. OHAHLKS BARCLAY, liisni' Hon.





In dull, overcast weatiier the tirst of the two annual encounters between Surrey andlissexcomtnenccdat noon uiiTliursdiiy at Keiinln'gtiiu Oval. The home county, who went iu llrsfc, loft out Lockwood and Wood from their best tenm. while Fssex.were without Lucas, Taberer, and Johnstone. Sluiter was bowled at 39, but- Read and Abel kept together, despite bowling changes; until the total was 112, when, having added 73 runs, both were dismissed, M. Read playing on and Abel being caujtht at mid-olf.

Walter Read and Loliinanu. who were together at luncheon, with the liguies at 131, punished the Essex bowling severely on resuming, adding 69 runs in 3Sd minutes, Cutts, who had shared the attack with Pickett, was especially expensive, and Mead took Ills place at 1B0. W. Read and Lohmann in nil added 6, before the latter was out at lb7, nnd then three other batsmen, were dismissed for an additional 20, The snningi closed for a total of 294. When stumps were drawn JSssex had scored 61 fur the loss of four wickets Score SvitltBT, First Innings.

Second Innings. Shuter, Mead 21 Abel, Mead, 46 M. Read, Cutts 37 W. W. Read, 1 w.

11 Lohmann, and Bishop 4o K.J. Key, Bishop 4 Ayres, a Francis, Mead 0 Henderson, Llttlewood, Pickett 33 Brookwell, not out 18 Slini'pa, Carpenter, Pickett 0 Fielding, Pickett 3 Extras 11 Fhttroe Total 29 Total First Innings. Eass1, Beoond Innings, Carpenter, Key, Sharps 1 6 H. G. Owen, not out 23 Burns, Abel 11 Llttlewood, M.

Reed, Lohmann 5 F. B. Francis, 0 CD. Buxton, not out 5 Extras 11 Extras iiurational nnounennente CARDIFF, 8' VL OATHEUINE'S, CARDIFF, A I'IRBT-OLASH DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. WITH KINDERGARTEN KOIt GIRLS AND BOvs.

PRINCIPAL: MISS TlTLLIS, SSOBETAIil' Miss G. WAKE FORD. Assistant Mistresses Miss ASHE, 1st B.A. (London). Miss E.

BrjAOlCiiliK, Cambridge Senior Certificate. Hiss A. EVANS, 1st B.A. (London), Miss HAILEJf, B.A, (Loudon), Miss HE3TM, kindergarten Certificate (1st Class Gotbn), Also tho iollowini! Certificated Teachers Mistress, Sloydist, French Lady, and for Music Miss ,1. EVANS nnfi Miss CAPE.

Messrs, BOOTT, A1LWAED, and UEHNAliD attend to give Piano, Violin, and BIiir-iiig Lessons, The NEXT TERM begins on TUESDAY May 6. 5006 ARKOW HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL, ROAl'H, Principals The MIS8E8 MARKS, Assisted by a Full Btaff of Well-qualified Teachers. Pupils mny be prepared for London Cambridge Local, College of Preceptors', South Kensington, and other Public Exams. The health and hom*o' comfort of boarders receive special atl eiilion. Good Reoreation Ground.

Next Term-MAI 7th. 0200 PliNARTH. tUfiPA ATORY SCHOOL for BOYS, HASLAND BOOSE, Victoria-road Pensrth. Prfnelnal. Mr.

JOSEPH LUGG. Next Term Benhis (D.V.) TUESDAY, May 5, 750d MAESYCWMMER. A EE, J1HE gOUTH gOEOOL FOR gUMMEEMELD ALES I ALL. A Sohool to meet the times, good, cheap, and com forlable i and situated In oub of the healthiest and most picturesque spots in the Prinoipnilty," Vide Press. H.

JONES. English, Miss J. BAIRD MITCHELL, Matriculation Class and First Form: Miss E. WALK ICR (Certificate-London University), English Composition Mr, JONES (late Inspector of Schools). Conversational French Madame DAN ISAAC DATI1SS iit's MIRAULT.

Painting (Oil and Water Colours, Pianoforte, Harmonv, nnd Miss PAULINE ST.BRODY (Senior Honours, R.A.M.). Pianoforte, OIbbs Singing, and Volco Culture: PROFESSOR JAMES, R.A.M. Music, Leather Work, Miss M. HOWARD. Drawing, Drill, Sx.

Miss E. MILES (Certiiicatc South Kensington Science and Art Department). Dancing and Calisthenics Miss MARION DAY, A SPECIAL CLASS IN PRAOTIOAL TELEGRAPHY, POK STUDENTS PREPARING FOR POST-OFFICE DUTIES. THE PRESENT HALF-QUARTER DATES FEOM MONDAY, MAY 11th, 1891. For Prospectus, Reports, and Copies of References to tlie Parents of over One Hundred Girls who have been in the School under the present Management, apply to the Principal.

K6J CLIFTON, BRISTOL. BRIGHTON HOUSE SOHOOL, REDLAUD PARK, CMITON, (NEAR THE DOWNS). Established 1873. A Few Vacancies for MAY 7th. Four largo houses.

Excellent table, every home comfort i good staff of tutors all subjects taught. Large playground, gymnasium, fives courts, workshop, sanatorium, 4o. There is a Preparatory Buhuol, also class for all Public Bohool entrance nud scholarship examinations. Sixty Boarders. Full number of pupils durinc the last ten years, Successful preparation for all Examinations.

Prospectus, successes, references on application. Terms moderate, jieaa Air, utiA.tti,i!is mttw. ReeenL Successes London Matriculation, Cambridge Seuiornnd Intermediate, Cambridge Junior Honours, Colleire of Proeetitors. Prellniinarv Mcdioal-ftPreliminarv Law, Science and Art Department; City find Guilds of Loudon Teohnical College Matriculation! Cambridge Mus. Bac.

Matriculation, (including ip subjects). Tan tupifs passed Cambridge Examinations in Decem ber. .1 1000S3 OLI5VEDON. BELGRAVE HOUSli, the Dauehters of Gentlemen, Resident English, German Governesses, nnd Visiting Professors. 3fjV.ery home comfort and consideration, and careful Fees moderate.

The highest references. Address PRINCIPAL. 1 214IM6 COWKRIDGE. HEAT HOUSl!) SOHOOL Fi Hi QOliLS. PntNoiPiis Mns.


This Marvellous Invention bids fnlr to revolutionise tlie Pianoforte Trade, as the most Astonishing Effect can be Produced by the use of the Additional Pedal which Renders the Performance of the Most Difficult Passages Easy, even to a Moderate Performer. rpi-IE f-i RE A TEST TMPROVEMENT A. IHE GE, Buyers are earnestly requested not to accept "any Piano without the OTAVE jOUPLER. 1AN0S I TJIANOS pTANOS FROM 10s. ON NEW HIRE SYSTEM.

jjRGANS! FROM 5s. MONTHLY. Price Lists Free. Old Pianos Exchanged. THOMPSON AND HACKELL IMITED.

TS2272-2 flHB. "News of the Wism" js tho JL. Best and LarceBt Newspaper In the country Seventy-two long column), One Poupy Weakly, hotels, SBuuiifl' iootn. SWANSEA. rnASTLE HOTEL, SWANSEA, Hxcellent Accommodation for Commercial Gentlemen and Families Moderate Olmrget.

Central aituation. duniN muflias, rroprietor. oai FORTHOAWK. HI.TSUN HOLIDAYS VISITORS to the above place, will find EVERY ACCOMMODATION at the BliOGDEN HOTEL. New.

road, opposite the favourite bathing beach. Under new management. 2902hI6 D. M. JONEB, Proprietor (late of Oardiff SOUTHERNDOWN.

QOUTHERNDOWN, BRIDGEND. KJ Bracing air. Fine Sea-bathing. MARINE HOTEL. Renovated throughout also neweBt Sanitary Arrangements, by Proger, Cardiff.

Apartments or coitee-room. unarges moderate. Tennis, Proprietor. 5590 LLANGrAMMAROH. LANG AM MARCH WELLS.

THID OAMMAROH HOTEL Is most centrally situated for tlie accommodation of anglers anu visitors weiteiwiy. nine Allies' or excellent Triiut Fishing in strictly preserved waters. Is replete wit i very Comfort, combined with Extremely Moderate Chariies, which may be hud on application to Miss PR1CW. The OnmmRroh Hotel, 3C93hl6 Llan gam march Wells, MALVERN, HE IMPERIAL HOTEL, Beautifully Situated In the Midst of Private Grounds, Commanding Extensive Views of the Malvern This FIRST-OLASS HOTEL is EIOPIJSTE with EVERY COMFORT for VISITORS. SPEOIALLY ADAPTED FOR FAMILIES.

Suites of Atiartments iidou lh Ground Floor. Lsrffe Private Bifctlng-rooms, Readiiig, Smoke, and Billiard Rooms, Coffee-room and Drawing-room. Passenger Lift, Covered Way from Hallway Station, Moderate unarges. tstiiDie lor liorses anu uar-riaires of Visitors. Urine Oirecfc from.Droltwich used at the Imperial Hotel Bntus, whioli also include Turkish, Vapour, and Hydropabbic Treatment, Large Swim ming uain, eujipuea witn water irom spring iu osaivern Hille.

Hotel porters nieeb the arrival of each train. Under the Personal Management of the) Lessee, F. MOifRSCHEBL, 5S54 Late of.Queen'a Hotel, Manchester. WESTON-SUPER-MARE. EST ON -SU PER-M A THE GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL.

On the Promenade, facing the Sea, slands in several acres of Ornamental Grounds, with Six Tennis Courts. Its Appointments are perfect, Hydraulic Lift, Handsome Drawing, Reception, Reading, Billiard, und Smoking lidoius. It Is under entirely New Direction and Management, 'Tariff Strictly Moderate and Inclusive. Apply to the MANAGERESS. LSTO Dipping Notices 1 ARD IFF and BORD EAUX sa The Cardiff Steam ship 1 Company's first-oiass Screw Steamers will Sail as follows ELY CardilY for Bordeaux April 5U Bordeaux for Cardiff April 30 with Goods and For rates of freight, apply to A.

G. Todd, Agent. 31. Quni dos Oliartrnus, Bordeaux, and at the offices ot the Company, No. 51, Mount Bttinrt- square, iiuurisit, 67745 Managers, "OALGRAVK, MURfU tL and LINE OF STI5AMERB.

SWANSEA TO' HAMBURG. OITST OF CADIZ Caplnln Kelioe. CITY OF DORTMUND Ootid. OITK OF AMBTKRDAM Honrs, One of thu above or other Steamers of the same Lille uteiiiled to leave Swnnsen for llnmburs every Ten Days. ForFrelKhts, 4n apply to thB Owners, id 17, Kdentiuny, Dublin, or to the Aueutu, BURGESS and 00 Snn" 66504 rNWAfN LINK ROYAL MAIl STEAMERS, INHIN Attn iBTBimA'IIOHAI, Stisau BHIl'COMPANr(IilMITKn).

LlVBHFOOf, 10 NllW YOIIK EVKKIT WBDKRSUAY. Calling at QueeiiBtowu Everv Thursday. Apply to RlOUAIiDBON, Bl'liNOli, mid Hr' Water-street or to T. Joiies and SohB, Aberavoii. 9, Edwards-place, llnrdllt, O.Howe and Oo Steamship Brokers, Cardiff, 0.

J. Oudllpp.Oastlo-roud 0. If. Perkins, 17, Soinersot-plaua, Swansea, Austin and Sllonoksi Shlpbrokers T. II.

Austin, Nunth-ronil, Laudore I. Ixiwls, grocer, Old Market-street, Nealh, Joseph Morgan, Post-ollice, Pontypooi. ,1. Holierts. Uraltr I'tist-nlllce.

I'ontvni'ldd. 85083 "I ION Jj I VJT ROYAI ANP UNITltD STATJSS MAIL STISAmiSllS. LIVEIVPOOIi io N1SW VORK ovorj SA'J-'UltlAV. May 15 Satnr.ioy, May 23 Saturday. May 30 liiMdav.

June 6 TTSraorday, Juno 13 OallluitfttClUISIllNB't'OWN tlio olloinns tiny to eliii.ni Mails PassoiiBors bookeil through to Sao Ifrauolsoo, Otiiuul Manitoba, ami all inland Towns ublotvratos. saloon jraBsnge l.lrsriiool to new torn, rrom aiu so zo. Second Cabin tuid Steernfto to Now York, Boston, ami in, nhliL. Innlinllni? a nlentlful Biiunlv. of nrorlstinis oiiolted undsertBdby the Oouipauy'B stewards, atLowesI uaces TlieaoHtoamers oarrv Snritoon utl Stewnnteiuot rroo.audai roploteiwith every couvouteuco to add to the paasenxors oomiort Apply to Gnlon ami uo si, wator-stroet; Liverpool; or Adisudaub: M.

Paino, "5, Uardlir-stroet. -ADEnaAVKNNV: A. J. HaiioooU, 88. Frostuore street, Bmdoend J.

3-Jvans, Cil-oaicleOlllce. Bi.aiha A. 11. Thomas, 2, Ohiiroh etreet, BiiAJtHOAirw James Davles; Post offlce. OAitniyic Uemleruou Bros.

35 Mount Htinvrt-siiuBre, O. J.Uuilllpp.'lanil, 13, CaBtle-roatl, S.J. Davles, 9, Eilirurd place. 'Landoms: T. H.

Atistiu. 81)3. Neath-road. LLANKnttV Win. Hanco*ck 2.

Dovrnlnr-street, Mahbtkb: D. R. Powelh Post-Dllliie. MoituiBXOH Evana, Lamb and Flog Inn, NBwronT Win. M.

Loclte, 33, lllah-otreet. John Youuif, Uridlie-streot. Nsmth! V. Jaioes, King's ArniB, Windsor loud. Pontvpool Joseph Morgan, Post-oOlco.

Pontypridd James Roberta, Graig Post-ofdcs. Hwahhea: lSnrliflit aini 9, Fehakte: Henry Hmitler, AmeriJan House, jARDlt'E AND BRISTOL. MAX, 1BD1 MAR011I0NHSS. From Eatliurst Basin, Bristol. From Cumberland Baalu Fifteen Minutes Later.

From Bute Dockfl, Cardiff. May. 1 Friday Saturday 5 Tuesday 0 Weduesday 7 Thursday BaFi May llftMandav Inl'iHlay SaSn'tlirduy, li'L'ueBilav 8 0 morn 9 0 morn 12 18 after ,12 0 noon I 0 alter 4 0 after 5 0 after 6 0 after 6 30 after 7 15 morn 8 0 morn 9 .15 morn 1 15 after oWeilnesilay(ISx- curBionl 2 16 after 7aTliursday 3 nrter 3 45 room 3 45 after i 30 after fl6 lifter 0 15 lifter ,.7 Omoru Friday 9 Saturday 13 Wednesday, ...10 30 morn 14 Thursday ...,11 15 mom 15 Frlmif (C.B.I. .12 15 after 16 Saturday (U.B.) 1 0 oven 11 Monday 12 Tuesday iSttWediiesday 7 311 morn K1.H.) morn 45 morn 18 Montlav 3 30 after 4 30 after IS Tuesday 20 Wednesday. 2l--'i'hui'Bday 112 Friday i'3 25aMouilay liTttTuesilay .12 30 after 5 SO after 6 0 after 6 30 after .,7.0 after 8 15 morn 8 45 mom 9 30 morn 1 9 30 even ,.10 15 morn iutiweunesuay.

2UiThuraday SSAVriilay 25 iWoniltty 26 Tulsstlay 27 WcMnesilay ZBiiTlllvirs lay 9aFrMtoy aOaSatuVilay 1 46 after 2 IS after 3 0 after 3 30 after 4 45 inorn i 16 lifter 0 30 after 0 15 uftrr 45 morn 7 15 morn 6 0 morn SSaThursiliiy jriuay .11 0 mom 30 0 noon To smi FAitEsi Aftsr CaWn, 2s, 6U. Fore Cabin, 18. U. To-anil-Fro Tlcfieta insaad for return trip on same day Is niMkodt After cXu, Fore To-aud-Fro Tieksta will be lasliod ou Saturday, ityailaWefor the return ti rlu on pirn, ivvo CONSULTIING. ENGINEER; NAV4L ARCHITECT, MARINE BDHVJ5YOR, DRA' GHTSMAN, BUTE ClflAMUERS, DOCKS, CARDIFF.

Desiens. Plansnnd Specifleatlons Supplied of Cargo Steamers, Tugs, Ships Surveyed During Construction and Repairs. Superintendence of Steamers Taken, Damage Surveys Wade. Addrtess "Prsetlca 3266rly SPECIA NOTICE. 3IAPMAN AND CO.

(FROM CAMBRIDGE), HIGH CLASS TAILORS AND ROBE MAKteRS, Informs their pntronSa in South Wales THAT THEY HAVE OPJUNED AN OFFICE AT BANK BUILDINGS, STaMARY-STREET, CARDIFF where a Manager will be in attendance to receive orders. Telephonic communication with ourHead Establish ment, yueen s-roao, unit. n', urisioi. Bristol Telephone No. 565.

1 99233 PARENT Having Now Expired, S. F. WALICEU aiidS CO. o. cistie-street, uitriiut, now anpDiv.nntt iosi npOWLIi'S PENNYROYAIj and STECUL JL KILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all Erre-gularlties, remove all obstructions, rind loiieve tho idis-I'-i'essinn svnititoms.so iirevalunt v'th the aex." Bowes, Is.

lid. and 2s. 9d of all obemisu. Sent aiiywiierelon riir'eiufc'of 15 wra4 stamna bv -lite Mitfiar. K.

1. itCZili. Ml uvinsuutausc ft Names. ALASKA WISrONDIN We cannot publish unv letter unless Che writer seuos bio BRir, hams audADniiEss, not necessarily for punre oation, but as a guarantee ot good faith. The Editor cannot undertake to return rejected communications under any ciroumstanooB.

All correspondents must write oil OKB ami ol tn poperomy, or their letters will be rejected. Wt do natanewer tit* BOYS' HOURS IN THE NORTH-COTJNTKY COAL TRADH, TO THE EDITOR OF THE WESTERN MAIL." Sib, At the colliers' conL-rencu at C-irdifr Oti Tuesday Mr. W. Abraham, asserted that "tlia Noifcli Couutry had bean agitating for reduciion of ilia boys' nours for 30 yeara, but that to-day they were working the same hours as then." This is not so. Doubtless Mr.

Abraham did not meaa to mislead in this mutter, but spuke from such in-formntion ns 1)0 possessed. But lie fact is tliat the boys' hours liava been shortened by at Jeaso two hours a day during that period. I am, Blaiha. NORTH COHSTHY. CARDIFF GUARDIANS AND THE MILK SUPPLY.

TO THU EDITOR OF THE WESTERN MAIL." Sib, I have followed the controversy on. thu above subject as reported in tha Western Mail, and, until reading the report of tho meeting ths guardians held on Saturday last and tho correspondence with tha Ratep Association appearing in your issue oS the 12tn insfc, I imd no intention of troubling you in the matter; but 1 should like to protest nguinst the notion oi' tlie chairman in treating tlia com-, tmraicntiou of the Katepnyers' Association in such a cavalier manner. It seems to me, from tha remarks of tlie chairman, that the ratepayers hava no right, to waich over the notion of their own representatives at the board, or to bold, mucli less to expresB, opinions upon sucli action. I certainly hope that tlia Ratepayers' Association will not permit tlio matter to drop, for, to use tha expression of Dr. Paine, it is that, the ratepayers of the union should not be allowed io 'criticise and: call attention to the course taken by the members of the board -when it is felt that the ratepayers' money may be unnecessarily squandered.

I am, Ssc A BROWN V. WHITE BREAD. TO THIS EDITOR Of THE "WiiSTliRN MAIL." gin Tlie amount of extraneous und irrelevant aititte'r which introduced by Dr. Aliin- ,1.. l.i,,.i.nnn nf t.l.a I flll lTTrt ValllHS nE son into uuii.

brown white bread as regular articles of diet has been truly appalling. I ll0PB(J llm would have ventured oat of the very narrow' circle of genet't'l impressions and entered the field of scientific observation and experiment. I liava been tlfapponue. ml Ti.iRii-.iona. nnd nomt lVIllBljlsuulujuii oui some startling and inaccurate statements ccn- tained in Dr.

Allmson's x8t j.ihvo i n.n irriiant to tbo diees- tive tract, nnd in support of my contention I have referred Dr. Ainnson uiu kwh', TOt only, but oE tho most distinguished e.xpen inentai invsstigittora in dietetics bolli in tins country mid in Get many. Dr. Allinson relies upon a general statement of his personal experience, the lalue of which is questiouuble-I lisve no means uE ostimatin" it. 1 navo furthor stated that bioiyn broad is indigestible, nnd that the greater part ot the brau leaves the bodv us it enters, Dr.

Ailin-soti ndmils tho latter port of my statement in hi-i immpiilet on wiiole-meal bread (p. 5), wliers ho The bran, being in grout, measure, insoluble, passes iu bulk ihiough tho bowels" and in support of the former I have adduced the opinions Rubner and Sir William Roberts, the leading in Germany und in England. When tins question of brown ms whiie bread was brought before it meulim- of the British Medical Association by fair William Roberts there was not a voice ruisea in support of tlia brown, and Professor, Yeo, oC Kine's College, cordially endorsed ilie opinions ot Sit William Roberts, winch were strongly Baveiso to the use of brown ureua ns a resuia-i diet Sir Willium Roberts' exact, words in regard terrain, were-these The pi oper destiny iho bran is now, as 2,000 years ago, to feed ills swine. There'is no but teal economy; for, not-only does tUe bran como up again in the more diges-libfe form pork and bacon, but it bus been shown that lino white bread is by far raoro com-letelv absorbed than coarse bread, in reeard, nor, onlv 'to us starch? ingredients, but even friiirrKrenom regara ileslt-rorrnxng, -fables aa one Seans of salme mntorlaj, ot as the and indurate statement the -white is deficient in bont-t'orming andilino maUeis, Hfoh cannot be or are not obtitined Xer thins'. He'fuither states that vegetables are Sy "SlprlvBd of Uietr salts by boiling.

We do and IllDSB licll tut our tete wo do boil.are uob khiVi suits. I have ms morning Cued calibage, and satisfied, not only myself, but Lra other competent opservere, oi tnvstatements. is not aluxtirycon-fiSfa few '1'be experiments to' wb.pl. Dr. Amnson has alluded ttra of no volue.

IJoapim-rent does not kmow for certain whether he gained pound in tbe'Urt week or not. He he did The data which he supplies are useless lie ma. a. uooa quite Tasked for? whole of the bran of whoie-m floui were si-milated brown bread would not' give us a coin-mnaieu, ui" estimate nlnte 11 wm i the constlitueuts of: diets for adult PmIiot' labia of the chemical ion oi whole, he; will find interring r.i.1- he a simDi'e sum proportion, tl 'l(lle too litt.e to be regarded as a comp ete fond In op, will aKain quote Sir William Roberts real function of bread in Our dietary is to furnish in digestible a form as jssible a supply of nuceous matters and a Oegelahle Mns purpose- a bread matJe from hno flouL is tne best fur ordinary llBTnfITHS Newport-road, Cardiff, May 1- TO THE J5DITOE MAIE." mm-1 pastire lot srn. i nave you have in the last few.

issues ot your, valuable paper devoted' some considerable epace to tlia ventilation of the question of whether hle-meal or white bread bo fo( iu-altl. of tha i An nut think to linv In- community ai, telligent person the question could be lett ona 5 naon'n letter in moment unueciueu. vour issue of May 12 is in itself, quite convincing, "and, so far own peusoiial expetience goes, I can onaorse nu no s'iira. v. it unable to assimilate as much nourislimetit-or, in otl RS words, flesh and bonoforunua; maier.iu-uo'" u.

Mio rtrdmat'V while loar. Wliure-iaeai uienu num and also that, in ihiiny aes its effect on Hie intestines (the wlricn, uy i.ue rnTTpa iinnieamiiii. but by a steady use of it, alternated by an occa- siomtl return to tlie mAa nf POlirjn. Ill tllQ Herein remoroBeainie i conntrv districts) the use of tl.e old Darle loot -C VinrlftV. still Holds.

'litis is mime vi 15 and with twice the quantity ot wheat flour ftdded. In und around St. Davicrs ic useti a.r,.,o ni'nrilr. on she ton 01 the iirc, the lid being kept on, and. for awetnoss ana susiennnce cquiu uul ub K1.0i)arfl hnwHvfir.

will, i nm sure, tell tliem tmt. fcliere ifl in.difitetic. as mother things, no lima ana iasi line fi fino man's meat. IB aS Ola prUVlTH uiu. Diija, another man's poison." lb is an apt proverb, but tiou to individual cases.

As a natron, I am hrmiy convinced tlwt we should t-e sironer. healthier, nnd, as a natural consequence were we less liable to that greatest of all tia Wit)). curses tnat civilisation indigestion, anie ns a means to its ron.wva.1, Jeel 1 am doing Due a outy iu my '-j 11. 1 lm fl nfaid in ins enooraing an uiau il. letter.

What race of men could you see.of hnec physique man wis ocoiuu i j. if their bodily endowments they force their way to tlie front. Yet their caie is but ana nearly all Scotch lmusenows poinufie unu form the staple morning meul. The oatmeal usea is not the fihely ground variety found here, bus he oat ground with all the inner husk, and it is a rarity to sea in Scotland rickotly or bandylegged child. That this is in a great, measure due to the amount of phosphates thus preserved tn tha oatmeal is now.

well understood, nnd, ns a cons e. queriee, the use of oatmeal poriidue (especially as a morning meal for children) is steadily proyrefs-ing in England. To women, whose nexand occu-pation (I should say, rather, lack of occupation) render them mora prone to constipation than meii, the use of whole-menl brSnd in. these days ot luxury and indulgence is almost necessity. A3 your correspondent very aptly soy, Any ques-lion involving an improvement In the the people'is'of vast importance, both individually and nationally," and I hope "''b allow this to be the excuse for my thus cfe.

B.A.' M.B CM. Pembroke Dock. --nuiorl Umir Both sides having now fully Tf this, correspondence must now Ed. W.MA CADiWli CocOA-'A perfect VooS MlK Great Coiw fob Corns. Zl VrnMSly.

Christ, 1, UfebiHM. Oiira4l, MONET TO LEND (Continued). 10' Per Cent. Sato, no trouble. Suma of 10 to anil UUWHrUB Oil Denrw ami Freehold and Leasehold Properties; ll per cent, interest Ruuiaiueuu-, iriiannawilDlo at lUroe months notice uuiter re eieuces.

Pauli'Ulats o( itoal Property Investment Company. 18, ICiue William street. London f-v. usm OTIS OF AND, ITU US NATIONAL M1SU0ANTTLE HANK. BALDWIN-STREET, IiBISTOL.

-i no inreeiora ui una oui-ostawiHiioii, well-Kiiotvn unico, havim- hutc available funds, offer unuaual facilities to all rospectublo anil trustworthy jiersona who require either teiunoi-nvy or iiemiauent URaistmiop- Ousli in Sionntlts from 20 to it advanced in nil parts of the KiiiKiiotii, mkooui; sureties, tleluy. or publicity, and on tlie security ouly the borroivei's written piomise to re-pay. These nuy Ijg re-paid by iveeKly, monthly, or quarterly iuslalnionts, extending a period of time convenient 10 tue oorrower; or the principal may rotoiuu so long name interest ib pant No HIIIh of tukon. and the transactions aro not puuiifliieu in any newspaper or tsazette. Apply, stating amount letiulreil, to Mr.

T. C. MILBUKN, inOA General Manager. TVI OMiY upon Note of Hand Geuuemaii JH -14eairOU3 OL lUaKllia -w (aiii Tt.forBot. tn m1f or li'tamile.

in Town or Country. without litll of Hale or Surotioj, anil attlotly Private, for any period uofc weeding ten years. Apply to D. WILLIAMS, 18013 15, York-road, Waterloo lirldeo, London, S.E, TV! OKI5Y Lout, from 5 to 500, at a tew liouia' notice, to Promissory Xnto Alone ami gu mo mm.ij.iii.i m.i,,,,,. mi iiirifes of any ilescrlotloii are made 1 anyone reunirlntr a Btrictlv crivato temporary loan without tho usual publicity ami loon office routine aboald apply to I'hllip Hassott, 11, Ponuol unuavo.

Poutyi.ridd. MONHV L14NT I'lilVATiifiV; AT A 1'liW HOOKS NOXIUii. A Gentleman having a laruo amount of Capital is willing 10 irraiit auvaiice upon note ui nauu mono, for any term not eieeinlinK 15 years, from 15 to to Clorirymeu. Gunners. Hotel Proprietors.

LoilKiny-liomo Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Tmrnrm. Mulo or Female, in Town or Country. Without loan oilito formalities or of -Sills. lJistauee no object, and lono 01 the liittrest is jumi me cnpmu can )'()laiu. xvo Genuine application refusad.

AU communleatloiis aro treateu SErietiy prirafce. Apply to tho actual Lender, H. UAltRISOJf, 87 York road, Wentmiuster lirldgo ruail, Loudon. L7821 jy 0 13 1 MOMEY1I MONBYI11 A Private Gentleman is Prepared to Mako Advances in r.r 41111 tn fillf) to Fanners. (Jontriiotors.

Gall Pro- nrletors. Tnulesmen. Cowlloensrs. Hon-norveil. and all Clasjb3of Householders ai'iiecally, upon their own Security ftlono.

No Loan Otiico routine no liill of Sale taken. ite-uaymeuts to sun jiorrowers conveuteuce. sio Publicity. Apply, in confidence (by Lottor only), to W. H.

i'l iTHILL, 4, Depot sttoot. Newport, Moil. 91879 IMPORTANT TO FAitJliSKS AIN1 Advanced. Without Delay, in Town or Country. frmn to il.000.

to FuruioiB. IJowkeei'ers. HonseholilerB Male or Female), on Note iiuud Ahiue, Without Burettes, No Hills of Sale. I Strictest Trivaoy. Low Interest.

No Law Costa. v.hbv 1m nieiits. I No Fees. BoiusemiHgeU iu couutry business, applicants had better tulte to HOWELL GRIFFITHS, 97:03 5. Great Western Terrace, Llauolly.

mo 'PITF, PnllLK1. If von are In Wautof an Advance, a j-'Pllniid unwarils. in tho strictest privacy. Annlv Direct to the ACTUAL IilSNDHU. All Advances niiulo iu OASH.

Coiunmulcftttons and iiKiunies to 00 Ail dresseil-SEORUTAUY, 3, 1JUTK THIillAUH, OAUDIPir. 96J39 T.KNTon NOTICof HAND, at Hhort NotlOi. by Jj'X a Private Gentlenmu. from 10 to 1,000 at 5 per cent Why apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-called Companies or Hanks when any responsible applicant cau obtain an advance Privately without Sureties mnl the usual formalities of a LoanOllico; pur tue oonoiic or nn nnrod to m'tint ndraucos from one tD ten years In any partof Hmjland or Wales, to male or female quarterly, or half-yearly, or as may bo arranged, there- lore tne appiicaiio tu 130, Westminstov lirldne-road, London. -Apply in conauonee to wienuiuai loimm, uu.v LJS22 PP.IVA'L'Ii Goiitloinan has Money tu Lend, from bto Xl.

500, toraruitrfl, ftlartieuuaraeners. iioMsuioimeie, mm Public tienevally. in Strici eoiuaieuceiua, iv uuut No iireliminury feos asked to William Tlioniley, Lumly honae, Uaerphllly. 9220o I-MPuii'i'AST to Agriculturists and Others A PriTaw Gentleman, having a Largo Oapital at his command, is Prepared to Mako Advances, iu emus from 10 to Al.OOu, to Proffssional Uentlmneu, Tiatlesmeli, Farmeifl, and all Classen respectable Householders generally, on their Note of Haud alone, and a Written Guarantee filven that transactions are not published iu any Gazette. Borrowers are warned against advertisers who protosu to lend at 5 per cent, peraumuu on note of hauS lonnjiile leudere cannot ad-vancD at Buch rates.

I candidly admit I cannot. Such allurlnjr advertisem*nts aro but traps to obtain fees. Iry them, but don't pay fees. Sly cubUiikitb can rely that no uufairndvautage will be taken of them. Ascertain my torms and then decide whether to borrow ol not.

Distance no object -Apply V. Phillips, Snows Hill House, Adaro street, Bridscud. IVOltltO WHliS ill Want of Money from a Strictly Private i Hourcf. free from unnoyaneo, fraudulont fees (extracted mulct ome pretext or otlierl, and tho routine ot loan oilloe UKeuis, kc areinvited to write fully as to luooaw, when, if considered satisfactory, tile money will bo advanced In a few 97501 53, Gtitnloner aUeeb. 35infleeJ, Cncyciesf, BICYCLE.

-For Sale, cheap, a Safety Bicycle, equal to now no reasonable offer Buto road, CirdlB. fl. DAYIK3 ami tjneou-stroot. The Great Cardiff Cycle Anents. for Itudnes Benume "Beeston Hnmbern, "New Kapids, bprkbroolcs, "Quadrants." "Hterlincs," "Girders," "Eivals, "Bowus, "Payctios," for 1891.

Our eica tie btisl ness is solely due to our system of lowest prices for best quality cyoles. Grout bargains In the new Pneuuiatlo and Otnddnn Tyro Safeties. We nre the cheapest, largest, and oldest-establiahea nun lu Cardiff. All wo ask is a visit. Cycles to suit all pockets.

Becoud-hatid Uyclos from 2 10s. large stook to oleur. tto wants. Hire System or Cash. SAFETY.

No. ISparkbrook, with band-brake; oicellent coudiiion; cost over 20; prico 12. -Tavorner, Hickman road. Penartb. 25blhU tJOJtiUB Uyclo Works, Ponlypridd, "The nmst emcieuuy equilipen -we, uu muvu.u u.Ca.

3'Ae CmUst and TWiediiis. New Khow-rooms In the Arcade. Now Lists now reaily, one stamp. 120 machines actually in stock. Cushions, Pneumatics, and Solids.

Large variety ft, Children's Machines. Lowest possible cash prices, or on i TTIfteim lears' oxnerionCO must prevail. KepiUrs, Plating, and EnamellliiB promptly, as trade mrices Wo allow a special trade Diseouut oif New Machines or dash with ordor to first appllc.viit iu any town liot ropre- gented. IV rite in once, iiiivii-u ai'ina, Irtrw Good SocomVhanl G-ton Coirt Vusons, with elile If i fa. J.VV UUU Bull UUWIB iwicnn wrem wminnv M1n ivi S.tle.

For iinrticukrs apyly Leacii aud Lowis, IIP, Kxjluuigp, Oft ell tT- Q16 ilafljmerj), TflACHINERT TOOLS, WANTED ANTED, a good Sccoud-haud Movable Forge and BelloTrs. Apply, by lettor, to Webb, Riverside Post- qQice, Oarnift. 2738U15 nrTl'iA TtlMOS Boncht by John Hurler. Woiverhutntiton. on 3b, Miivglu, or Sold on Gil.

CommlBaiow. seuil prices Ji! AOH INEiiY, TOOLS, ITOK BALE, TnOTt Jiiile "anlenili'l Three-'ou Steam Humrner, by Lilies- JU hull Iron Company, l20 ton block 26 h.i. XJuiloi-typa llobey Engine; nml Ulu, Locomotive K'liTflrd JtutuMft'e, Hiavurileii, uenr Chester. Telegniphlo AadfBa Jlerchant, Huwiuueu. O' VTTO Gas Kuglno, excellent coudrtiou cheap.

jf leiauiB ftiiu rmu. uiouctiswr, Oaa Knulno, latest impvoveraontii; a Yjar ami -fiatt, mom-eater. giairm 1uli Hale, Tortiiblo and Vorfcle.tl liuKlne, Mortal Mills, and Saw lieiieliea. -Vox lowest price and bea terms, OfirtriP fvta ami Mlil-linn- Irouwor'H. OiirdUT.

Solo Aceuls for South Wales and Momuouthahlre foralavBball, Sim-', ana UuiuaboJiotigli, 5oOD Sule, New Hoiizontul Which, cylindflts Bin. JO dlamoiev, lOin, stroke; Ntiw Vertfcal -iOiiKiu'e, 8fu. cyliudcta, lain. New UrJztmtal Ungine, f-in. oylin-deiE, Ulu.

stroke. Also to- HaVd or Hire, Second-haud Stt-atu wiuti), iit). cjunuers, anu, ve ftsoani rricnon uiujj. Aiitly Thompson tiud Hauos, Wear linfiiiieerhig E-hniritj Knyint oiUinK ordtr Flj-wlieul, 10ft. dtAmet'T Vit Wiudtnir Drum.

9ft. (Unmeter, widUijht aliaf aituv bruke. clieup. Wanted, P1l Slienvea, 12ft. and IKfc diauicter, for round rope also Hnial! judi uf rtiiu, rtiuLUjsq man, utruin.

vddiih noli Sale. Six 31 bv lloiltirs. For 851b. M'pssurui Six ilittti fni- fiOih. nthtara.

nil Mzea tmiUor till YircBHUi'ea; Hunlinir, Wimllu, mid Driving ctmal to HtiA7. Itntcl*tVo. nflnr Oheater. Telenr -pliic Address: iHeruiimtt, Hawardou. Plouse luldvesB cn reiuuy.

oijjj KNGIN'ES for Snlw; Cash or Deferred Payment; -T yutd medal awarded. Jfleldlug and Piatt, Olnu-colter. 9SC69 MOUTAU lUiLis, with or 7ft. liitn pan-; complete, with Portable Knhm and Driviug Belt, foi Hireor for Sult for Casb, and ou Purclniao-birb terms; also witUSuwijonchea.it requirod. Apnty Cliarlea Phillips, NewiiDit.

Hon. 1 870U CiHAFF-CXTTTEns, (3na New Paten Chall -cutters Imrd wood nml wromiht iron ramea no conipHcatud pnYisjliulf thu yoariiiR and tn times theBtrength of any othCM1 nmobluo; intposafblo to choke or tho feeder's batidn to ho drawn into tho rollers. Sole URonta for tho J'atout Gas whicii Iihto no alide valvos, very fiiuide, and every enyiiio Buaranteed. Steaui EuylKes, Mortnr.MUlB, Saw Beuciiea. Shaftintr, Pulleys, alymya in Stock, Aiudy to T.

Lemon audaoiiB, The Unyea. Car-ditr. 97953 pH)R Sale, Doubt- Gear Self-noLltifr Latlie, gap to tako Gffc J- dlair.otef, Hit. In-d, aiid Pin. Centre Hulf-aoMiiE ami Screw with fwo jilatea and chuck, 5ft.

bed, with tun HlottiuL Miichiiuv 7fn. atrnkn: IJnnliln (Jonv Tlrll. IiiK Maddiie: avii Steam Hammer, by Msissey, for a Kmiih'a Btmn; Umiglit, KukUiq and Boilercom uiut'ci. fsevcrat nmau i-iuiKa, xiiiieyfl, TlirKO-tnvow Apoly W. J.Poiio Ui'otliora.

139, Victoria mreet, Briatot. 4999d POST FKliK, 6d. 8.K TH 15 MODIOUN TKHATMRNT OF NEIiVOUS mid EXHAUSTION IN Kr. bv Local Absorption. Siniole.

soientilic, effectual," 1-ribunc. London: K. NOIt'l'OX, illQU. HOLBOBS. rL8612 'rnM-B STIflKE OF A SJ5X, or WOMAN JL OMSTlilKH AQAINS'J: j'HJJ MAL13 8ES POli BE'ITKK CObUITIOhs uc MI''K (niMovel); ahoiild be read by nverv Adult.

Sent post free ou receipt of Pei'itiy Stitmps by W. H. lloynolds, fnbllshur, MCI i HAD "The Law of Population," by inarrieil iieopln to limit their lamily witnm me means of subsistence. Sent Post Froe by W. H.

Reynolds, Piib'isiier, Now Cross, London, S.1S.. on receipt of Eight Venue Stailms. LYSd KELUSI' T-ROJI COVCrH IX TEN MIKDTES. CVHE POK INFI.UKNZA. AY.MA M'S BALSAM has had a vnrv lajcolv inoreasi'd Sale durinii tho year 1390.

alter having baeci beioro tlio Siiblio tor Thirty Hears. iSTOI'S COI.D. CURES COPftH. Mr. Knowi.mi, Dublin, Used it fur 30 years.

Can hud none to equal it." Mr. J. H. Jonks, Cats Athraw, Carnarvon Your BALSAM cured my cold ot once." Bold by all Modiolus 7ondor, Is. li! 2s, 9d.

34719 "ST101C the extent anrt variety of its contents jj. the Kkws or 'ruu Wiskk" is'iineguallod. THE "WEEKLY MASL." TH.E BRIGHTEST AND BEST WEEKLX PAPER PUBLISHED. The Wctltiy Mail of this weBk contni.ni the following DETECTIVE SKETCHES By Dick Donovan; The Story ol tlio Nash Diamond, MISS "WENT WORTH'S IDEA By E. NOBEIS.

CHAPTERS XV, and XVI. THE CZAR OF THE NIHILISTS A Russian Monte Christo, By Puinoe Joseph Ldbomieski. OHAPTEE Iwo Nabobs. NODIADAU CYMREIG," gan "Morien." Shagorohanes Stanley Yn gadael1 Paris heb ddweyd wrth neb el fud yn rneddwl am fyned I ahwillo am Dr, Livingstone Stanley yu gadael allau o'r baneB ei fed wedi myned i x-undain i gvfarfod a mereh ieuano. Ddinbyoh, gan fwrladu el el thadyn eu cynghorl i aros liyd lies dyohwelai yn ol Hono yu awr yn wraig yu Manchester Stanlev yn myned -i'r Alpht Oddiyuo i Jerusalem Yu anfon vhodd i'w garladferoh yn Ninbych o'r hen ddiuas saut-aldd Yn rayned i Caorseystanyn, Oddessn, a'r Crimea-Wed'yriyn ymweled ft phrlfdref Persia, ae yn cyrliaedd Zanzibar Yu eyenwy ar ei dalth bBiygluo I ganolbarth Affrica 131 weislon, ei gelfl, a'lnrfau Yn evfarfod fig anhawsderau bc yn eu gorchfygu Yu ymblesera wrth saethu hippopo-tainlald nr tin r1r llynau Ei bobl yn e'ti lioi'ni, a Slaniey yn gorfod cychwyn gwersyll gyuted ag 4c So, FEMININE FANCIES, FOIBLES, AND FASHIONS, By Muriel." Now for bargain-hunters A galaxy of beauty Models for the summer iMauoions as'1 bnznar-rooms Poker work An interesting exhibition How to look Bllm Ohnapand tasteful cambrics The new cropons Sailor liatB go out Busy to utter All rough-surfaced materials In favour For the feet And for' thB head It wears admirably lllouses need care Children's ovsr-alls The best way to decorate a grate.

RURAL NOTES, By Mr. 37 Mum, Mahgam Abbey. Answers to correspondents Bulbous plants after flowering Boxes lor bees Putting bees in boxes Prepntiue for growing mushrooms Tender flowering plants for the opeuYelloy calceolarias The early growth of pansles Sweet peas Air and light for window plants Small window plants flowering: A mistake Thu earliest chickens. CYMRUFU (Welsh Notes and Queries). Editbd by Mr, Geo.

H. Bbieblby, Morgan, M.P. The So-called St, Tenia's Island, PEOPLE "WE READ ABOUT (Illustrated). OUR DOCTOR: Conducted by a Physician and Surgeon, Answers to correspondents To keep tho hair on Bl. eding from the noBeliggs for dyssntery Ingrowing nails How long actiild should sleep A possible cause of Indigestion-Treatment for colds.

THE LADIES. The women's vote Her. fifteen minutes -How to manage huabandsTno position of women Women's beauty Fashion fancies. THE STERNER SEX. He is wise Stand fust, but not too fast Why big men have little wives Forebodings Wiiy some men aro liked A little perfect quiet-Cigarette smoking The married loari, EVERYBODY'S COLUMN: Conducted by the Editor, i AWes: A window-pans barometer What ve ovn A of tea Wasted llveB Curiosities of chemicals That chess-board calculation The sense of touch and weight.

Replies: Blue ink Cement for microscope slides To clean gilt frames' A paste I or ever thing Bees' stings -Theyoung sleeping with tho aged Treatment of piano. THE HOUSEHOLD, On wines, by Swenynen G-wynedd;" Nates Tea stains-To clean a dish el thVege'ables Olesrtlng glass and "china Fried bread oaltes A kiibstllule for bread uet Replies To keep pie crusls.from ornmbllug Breakfast cakes To use up potatoes To knit new heels into old socks Butteiscocoh Rhubarb batter pudding. NATURAL HISTORY NOTES. The oyster attracts its foodJ-Bees as weather foreoaEtere Decorated uesls The swallow Musioas a charmagnlnstColorado eatob. ORIGINAL POETRY.

Mawredd The Fate of the Bo'd, Bad Man. SELECTED POETRY, When She Comes Home-Spring. HUMOROUS POETRY. The Surest Sign ot Sprlngr-Lttrry O'Deo. A BUDGET OF SHORT S'tORIliS: A Woman's Reason Jack Westley's Find Mrs, Vinton's Mistake The Forged Cheque The Mysterious Doolor's Yarn How tho Countess was Converted Marlon'Dnle, NATIONAL ODDmESrfeouliar Charao- terialioB of the World'3 People, POULTRY AS AN INDUS TRY By Edward Beown, F.L.S.

breedB of poultry. ADVENTURES OF TWO YOUTHFUL PROSPECTORS, by W. Lisbnbeb. FRENCH SWORDSWOMEN: How Girls are Taught to Fenoe. MONTE CARLO GAMBLERS, by Wm, Henry Bishop.



A WDA11C liiMEDIES; Look for Trade Mark "Drowning Mnn selling lift Oiiuv un oaiju jiioi, KISALL'S TONIC AND NEDKAI-OIC MIXTUKIS, n.l Fn- NEURALGIA, NERVOUS HEADACHE, 18. aiid 4s, 6d. per 15 ALL'S HEKB -BITTEKS. Oure for General Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Meryoim Debility, Impaired Digestion. 4c, 2s.

4s. lis. per Bottle. KEALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT. Siiecinc for Chapped and Sore.

74d Is. 2s. 9d. per Bottle. KEALL'S AMERICAN MANDRAKE FILLS.

The Greatest Blood Purifler of the Age. anil 4s.6d.perBox. PROPRIETOR: P. A 199, SV ANSKA. Cardiff: Mr.

Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street; Mr. Robb, Chemist', Roath. Newport Messrs. Garrett Bros, ChemiBto, 171, Cotumerclal-street. Neath: Mr.

Isaac, late Haymnn, Llanelly Gwliym Iivans. London: Messrs. Newkeryann BROU'b INJECTION. HYGIIDNIG, INFAXLIBLU, and nromntly, without addltioaalmeans, al reeentorehroniod onlor the urinary ornaiis. Price ii f- "m.S'KJf l-orro Ijucrossor to lirou Uae Rlcbellen au.l Col.

,259. It; (roe 'W of ire United RICHARD BLANEY WADE, In ths Chair, The Dlreotovs have the Dleasure to report that, after milking ample provision for all had and doubtful debts, nnd providing forthe rebate of discount on current, bills, the prulUs for the year 1890, Including 54,706 14s, 6d. forward, amount to 565,048 I 4j. From this sum the Directors have transferred 25,000 to credit of Bank Premises Account, and 10,000 to the hank's Benevolent Fund. The Directors recommond that bonus of 6 per cont, be paid, free of luoooie-tax, to tho Proprietors in July next (making, with the dividends uud bDnus naiil, HO per cent, for the year), and that the balance of 74,892 9s.

be carried to the profitB of 189). The Share Caoilal issued -InBt year has been fully subscribed, and the amount received for premiums on tlie sale of the 8,500 unappropriated Shares credited to the Bunk's Premises Account, iu accordance with the last annual report. Durtug the year Branches have been opened at Warrington andin Finohiey-road, Hampstead, both of whioh will, it is expected, prove advantageous to the Bunk and useful to its customers. In conjunction with the Bank of Enaland and the leading Hanking nnd Finauohil Institutions tlirmghout iuu nuia haiiu. jumuit.

ci DAieub 750,000, in a guarantee in connection with the liquidation by the Bunk of England of the estate of Messrs. Baring Brothers and the Directors helievlntj it to be tho general interests of the country that the threatened crisis and consequent injury to credit should be prevented. The Directors retiring by rotation are Duncan Maoiiokaid, Gkoiigb roks Malculmson, Haujuok Orao IrrzoKiuij). All of whom, being eligible, offer themselves ior reelection. Tho Directors regret to have to announce the death of Mr.

Roderick Maekay, one or the Bank's Auditors. In conformity with tho Act of Paliamcnt, the Bhnre- hoiueis are required to eieot tne Autiitors ana nx their remuneration. Mr, Edwin Waterho.ise (of Messrs, Price, Waterhou.se, and the retiring Auditor, offerj ulmsoll lor ro-eieotion, BALANCE-SHEET, 3Isi DECEMBER, 1891. LlABIHTIJIS. CAPITAL! S.

(1. 420.C00 0 0 1E0.625 60 12 1,807,500 0 0 63,245 60 Is9 735 0 0 2,417,235 0 '0 RESERVE l''UND: At 3Ut 18ES 1,450,000 0 0. Add from premiums received on new issue in 1890 176,835 IB 2 1.823,835 16 2 Amount due by Bankon Deposits, 33,687,476 1 8 Aceeplauoes, covered by Oabh or Securities 258,552 8 4 Pkopit and Los Account Balance from year 18 54,706 14 6 Net profits foryenr 1890 610,341 19 6 665,048 14 0 Less Dividend and Bonus for half-year ending oOt.b. June (10 Do. for half-year ending 31st lieo.

(10 per a 8 Interest for half-year to 31st December (5 per cent.) on first instalment of new issue 9,655 5 0 455.156 6 0 Transferred to Bunk Premises Account 26,000 0 0 Do.to Bank's Benevolent Fund 10,000 0 0 490,156 5 0 74,892 9 0 43,965,391 15 2 Note. The above statement of liabilities does 1 1 n-cludeUie Bank's guaranteo for 750,000 to the Baring Assets. s. d. At Bank of EnglnTid and at Head Office and Bmnohos 9,148,846 9 0 Call and Short Hotioe 1,382,088 1 10 8,630,934 10 10 Invhstmekts S.

d. liitgllsh Government! eScurltles 9 7 Indian end Colonial Government, Hallway Debenture, and other Securities 5,831,570 13 6 13,410,075 3 0 Bills Discounted, Loans, Hanking Premises tin London and Country 21.408,732 .2 615,649 15 1 43,965,391 15 2 ErciuitD B. Wam, 1). MiODONAiD, 5-Dittciors. BOBI.

WlQRAJt, T. G. Pobinsox, 1 J1. Oeubchward, Jolnt General Managers. yf.

FlDSIiON, I bBg to report that I have ascertained the eorrect-ntss of the Cash Balances and of the Money at Call onti Soort Notice as entered in tlm above Balance-sheet, und have inspected tho securities representing the investments of the Bank and found them In order. I hove also examined the Balance-sheet in detail, with tile books at the Head Office and with tho certified returns from each Branch, and in my opinion suoh Balance-sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true nnd correct view of the slale of the Bank's affairs as Bhown by buoIi books mid returns. Euinm Watkhhousk. Auditor. At the Annual Meeting the Hepurt was adopted, and tho Retiring Directors were Re-elected, and Mr.

Edwin Wnlerhnuse and Mr. William Barclay Peat were elected Auditors for the current year. The best thanks of the Proprietors wore given to the Directors, General Managers, Branch Managers, and other Officers of the Bank, and to the Chairman. L8862 SmltmiE' Societies, WOUXIl WALKS MKliOANTII.li BUIl-U- TNG SOanSTV.CAMIiitIAJff0iIAMU15HS.12, West-sato-strcet, DlUIiOTORS are to make ADVAMOK9 on Leasehold and IfteehoM Mcimrlties, Interest Reiluceil Hull lierCeut. on Old ami Now Advaucos.

JOHN JiiNKlKM. A.tl.A, Kecretary. iSU'd QAED1FF TO SHARES BUILDING- SOCIETY, INVESTORS. 6 per cent. DEPOSITS Os Dkmahb At Short Hoiice 3 per cent.

3i For Prospectus and All Information apply to PETEK PRIOB, Secretary. 21, H'gh-street, Cardiff. 91567 LAMOBGAN BUILDINW SOCIETY, 15, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ONEY A 0K QKKATLY KEDUOED TERMS. Deposlls received and Shares Issued dally.


Chairman, Jlr. Alderman WILLIAMS, J.P., Gwaelody-Sjarth House, Mertliyc Tydlll, LOANS ADVANCED IJT SUMS FROM 100 TO 10,000. Easy Re-payments In 3 to 17 Years Favourable Redemption Terms Utmost Secrecy Loans on, Buildings in Progress No Management Charges. For Particulars apply to Mr. PETE It WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Glebeland House, Mertiiyr Sydfll; or to Local Agents throughout South Wales. 39014 OUT, RHEUMATISM Cross's Gout niid Rheumatic Pills will quickly give you relief and cure in a few days. In Boxes Is. and 2s. 6d.

free by post. J. Mvaday, Chemist, 1, High treet, Cardiff 258 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 41 iULLfc, iowarrauted to cure all discharges fcoui the urinary ontaus, in cither sen (acquired orcoiwtitutipimll, gravBl.ttuo nains in the back. Guarauteeil free from Mercurv, Sold in lioies. is.

Ort. each, by all cheuiisti and patent laedlrlua vendors throngliout tho World; or sent to any address for, IS stamps, by the maketB, the Lincoln and Midlr.vd CouuhoS Couunuiy, Xincoiu. Total 61 Total OXFORD UNIVERSITY V. GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND. On Thursday at Oxford the University were opposed by a strong Gentlemen's eleven.

The weBther was flue, and there was a fair Winning thetoss, the Uuivurslty wont in at 12.25, Llewelyn and Watson goliig-in first. Forty-two runs were scored, and then Llewelyn was caught at the wicket, and Watson was clean bowled. Jardine and R. Palairet then were 'partners, mid the play became slow, Jardine was taken ntpolnt after some quiet play.L. Palairet was caught at cover-slip at 69, At lunoh-time the score was if for four wickets, Play was.

resumed at five minutes to three, Ferris and Hillyard bowling. Palairet and Wilson made a imimla of drives, to the and then Wilson, with a leg hit for 3, sent up the 100 at a.lo. Two wicKets ten ae la ana cue sevenm no if. Smith then hit out vigorously, making several fine oti-nlrfin tnnliwttilfr nno over tlio linB for 6. He; WBS eventually caught ou: for 117 and tlio Innings shortly ufter closed for 283.

The Gentlemen of England then wont in, and, when stumps were drawn, bad Bcored 82 for the loss or two wioaets. tscoro Octokd. First Innlnus. Second Innlnns. Llewelyn, Philipson, jcerris Walson.

bFurster 25 Jardine, Parsons, bForster 9 R. Ii'erns ou Palairet, a Robertson, Hilljard 9 i Wilson, bForster 21 Imiili.cForster, Hillyard 117 Tuberer, Forster 1 Brain, Robertson 12 Olegg.o Hewitt 35 Berkeley, not out 1 Extras 7 Extras Total. 283 GkHTLKMHN OF EKOklKD. First Innings, Second Innings. Hewitt, Smith 7 Webbe, not out 29 in Forster, and Olegg.

8 Vernon, not out 31 Extras '7 Extras Total Total MC.C, AND GROUND V. LANCASHIRE. The 'wicket at Lord's having been recently watered, Mr. Hornby, ou winning tlie toss for Lancashire on Thm-Sitoy, hesitated to take the first innings, but at last determined to start. The Innings closed for 117.

The M.O.O.began with Grnco and Flowers to tl.e bowling of Mold and Brlgga. The innings closed at 6.20. for 128 or eleven runs ahead. Score: LAKCJtSHIltU, First Innings, Second Innings. Hornby, Hnwke, Martin 31 Sugg, FJowers, 22 Barlow, Grace, Attewell 10 Waid.b Martin 16 Royle, Attewell 2 Yates, 1 Attewell 3 Brians, Attewell 12 Baker, Marl in 0 Kemble, not, out 9.

Mold, Martin 2 Extras .9 Extras Total, 117 Total M.0.0. Anu Ground. First Inninca. Second Innings. Grace, Mold 18 Flowers', 10 Humes, retired hurt 4 Onmston, Mold, Brifigs 0.

Hawke.b 37 12 Russell, Hold 0 Llttlewood, 9 Attewell Bt Kemble BrigRS 21 Martin, not out 11.. SUer'winl Mold "0 Extras; 8 Extras Totals Total 128 NEWPOET V. BRECON COLLEGE. Played nt Newport oh Thursday. The scores were appended: Newport.

A. James, D. Davies, Peaco*ck 30 IV. H. Veali, and Peaco*ck H.

F. Rees, Davles. 3 Reynolds, Jenkins, H. EvanB 71 G. Itosser, Homtray 40 R.B.Eva.

bH.T.-Evaiia 0 T. J. Llewellyn, W. Thomas, Hom-. fray 3 F.

Phillips, a T. Evans, Homfray 8 I. O. Cross, not out 12 G. Morgan, not out 5 Hucknal), did not bat.

Extras 11 Total 225 Brecon Coubqi. Peaoook, Reynolds 1 J. T. Evans, Veali, F. .0 Harsburgh, Kosser, Phillips 22 1 Allen, run out 0 L.

Thomas, Phillips 7 Fl. Slrntton, Phillips 4 T. Morgan, Reynolds 0 H. T. Evans, Hucknall, 10 i W.

D. Jenkins, not out 4 D. Davles, st H. Veali 1 Homfray 2 Extras 10 Total 67 CRICKET FIXTURES, SATURDAY, MAY 16. flardltr Panarth Cardiff Arms park.

Cardiff II. Harry and Oadoxtou Oadosston.l Toff Vale Plymouth Works Vale II. Cathays-Oardiff Arms Park. Pennrtli II. Barry X.M.O.A.

St, Jolin uarain Arms rarK, Ely St. Mnry's Oardiff Arms Park. Oltarles-streot St. James's Cardiff Arras Park. Oathnys Pontypridd AlWoii-Barraoks Field.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.